May 11, 2006


OK OK. it's been a while i know. been busy at work and other shit as well. Taking the road i left in the last blog, it's been almost two months now since i began working at Escala. Loads of work, administration stuff, but am happy with it. This is a major step in my professional career indeed.

Ok, now back at the topic. Dragons, what can i say about them. I'm no expert in terminology, nor i know EVERYTHING there is to know either. One thing im certain of: I looooove dragons. Mystical creatures they are. And they appear in almost every culture, and in ancient ones more often, though they were named differently.

Dragons are often pictured as evil, possesing a vast wisdom superior by far than our own. SOmetimes thay are represented as savage animals with extraordinaire abilities that make them almost invulnerable to common means of slaughter. Sometimes they are of divine status. Anyway they are known by, dragons are mythical creatures that amaze me, oriental as well as occidental.

I should write some more, but morpheus is forcing me into his world..... maybe some other time i will continue this yada yada.