Apr 29, 2008

Dreamed Memories

The memory of your lips,
the memory of your touch,
I had dreamed of them before.

The endless strawberry kiss,
the blazing warmth of your heart,
I had dreamed of them before.

The smile you gave me after,
almost stopped my fleeting heart.
Your embrace melted my soul.

Memories burnt in my heart,
Dreams I will forever have.

Apr 18, 2008


I just got in the mood for some self criticism in the self-awareness moment (or trip, if you may) and talk a little bit of what ->I<- have to say about what I believe the world consists of (as little as I may know, I get to have an opinion about it, don't I?)

First of all, power... I believe the worst thing humanity has done is giving power (political, religious, whatever) to people who have not been or put through a psychological test. To confirm that they can handle the power and have a strong personality so they won't fall for "personal gifts". Power can easily corrupt even the most moral person.

So this is why I can't believe in a "Church". I accept the fact that I believe in a higher power, a higher "consciousness" in lack of a better defining word, but I can't believe in a God manufactured by people in a hierarchical power system. If they are god's messengers, why is there corruptness within their system? Remember the pedophilia cases within the Catholic Church? Have you heard anything related to those cases? Exactly, the news channels didn't just forgot about them, huh? Somebody didn't like the idea of letting the "holy church" be desecrated like that.

I'm inclined into more spiritual religions. Those religions in which you can think for yourself, in which you first have to find the real person within you and detach from everything else. After this, you will accept others as brothers and untruthful actions will not be a shortcut to power, for unless you control yourself, you will not control power.

Tibet has an exiled government "ruled" by a religious leader. So he has power? Yes he does, but he has attained such a spiritual self-awareness that he is in control of himself, thus in control of power and using it for the good of the people below his power level. I believe in the way monks "look" for their leader more than how the Chinese or Americans, in fact the whole world, choose theirs.

Which makes me jump into the conclusion that the Republic of China is trying to soil the image of a religious/political figure that in my point of view cannot be called a “liar” and a “terrorist” who, according to them, is just trying to undermine China’s Olympic Games. He has called for pacifist demonstration of unconformity so the world realizes there is something very wrong going on in his country.

I don't know all the facts and I don't know the Dalai Lama personally, but I wanted to express myself in this fleeting self-awareness trip and let you know that the Dalai Lama rules and China kind of sucks on this part of themselves. I don't judge them, I know there must be nice Chinese, I just don't agree with the decisions taken by some people with power within their government:

Apr 16, 2008

LeoNoR uPDaTeS

I have some planned updates coming soon for Leonor (my 2007 4th Generation Mitsubishi Eclipse), the mod's will come eventually, in differentstages.
  1. The first mod will actually not be visible, as it is the AUX cable so I can connect my Zune 80 to the stereo system and listen to the 6,534 I currently have in it. \m/
  2. I want the Projector Headlights, one thing I love about these is the Halo feature (similar to the BMW's headlights, which is a circle surrounding the main projector). I just not sure about choosing the chromed or matte finishes. Suggestions?
  3. I want the Aero Kit (front "fangs", side skirts and rear bumper skirt(in the third image, that wing is not the SE)
  4. The SE spoiler
  5. Lambo doors!!!!!
  6. Oh and the obligated ones: Tinted anti-theft film on all windows (including sunroof) and the security bolts for the rims. Actually, these are the first ones before I bring my car to Mexico City.
So what do you think Imaginary Reader? Any comments, suggestions?

Apr 11, 2008


A fluttering Butterfly,
amidst my Moonlit garden.
Multicoloured wings, ablaze,
sparkling fire all around.

Inflamed, a pale shade of red,
warmly washing the cold walls.
The icy loneliness, exiled.

I watch Her wings from afar,
scared of a sudden move shall
make of Her, just a mirage.

I await the night She'll come

and rest her flight on my hand.
'Til then, I'll savour her Light.

Apr 7, 2008


La gente puede creer que por tener muchos "conocidos" es popular, ok es cierto pero, como persona debo admitir que la gente que se tiene cerca del corazón es la gente a la que le dices todo, a la gente que le llamas porque sabes que te escucharán a pesar de todo, es la gente que es cocida como "mejores amigos".

L@s herman@s que siempre vas a tener a pesar de que no puedas verlos dadas las circunstancias pero cuando por fin los ves de nuevo, es como si se acabaran de ver ayer.

Sabes quienes son no porque deciden serlo, sino porque mientras tu vida es moldeada con el tiempo, vas abriendo el corazón hasta que son parte de tu familia.

Gracias a todos mis mejores amigos, ustedes saben quienes son. Si no lo sabían, y están leyendo esto, sabrán lo que son por como soy con ustedes: abierto, sincero, generoso y gentil.

A todos ustedes, mis Herman@s: LOS AMO!


"What does Pherilux means and where does it come from?" This is a common question I get when people see my Nick somewhere. It all begun when I first heard the album "Damnation and a Day" back in the year 2003 by the Black Metal group Cradle of Filth. I was at Barcelona at the time and downloaded the album and found the lyrics told a story. This story tells the creation of Heaven and the main character is Lucifer who, in the album, is named Feriluce. The album in general left a deep impression on me and is to this day my favorite CoF album and thought of keeping it as a Nick in the cyberworld but the word Feriluce wasn't too aesthetic to me. As a result, I went on rearranging and replacing letters to fit my tastes. "Shining Feriluce Lustrous scourge of fallen spirits Basked in glory, flew To lakes in sacred altitudes" In the end I came up with Pherilux, which i really like because there is availability everywhere a pseudonym is required.
The Promise Of Fever
In the beginning
Rimmed with wind and storm
A great black wrath of infinite math
Spat snarling into form
And there was Heaven
Lit up with precious stones
Each one could fall but for the rule
Of Faith and Love and stronger thrones.

And therein rose vast wonders
Affections to be seen
Fathered from the plundered
Reflections of a dream

Fogging into nightmare
For him whose place was set
With wayward stars that absent, marred
All creation with their theft

In the beginning
Bewinged and ringed with dawn
This favoured Avatar, enthralled
Swansongs from those that thronged this shore
With Gabriel and Michael
He shone with fierce intent
For loyalty, their joy to see
Him spur the hymns to heaven (sent)

For sculptured lips of seraphim
Whom fate then cruelly rent
(With sleight fingered strains of harmony)
Each note to grim portent

As grinning nimbus gathered
Over spires arabesque
For Him that blazed with holy praise
That for a jealous God was meant

Shining Feriluce
Lustrous scourge of fallen spirits
Basked in glory, flew
To lakes in sacred altitudes

Sweet haunting music swathed the breeze
With curling tongues that lapped the lead
As through thick mountain mist (with thoughts adrift)
Until at last, past grasping trees

He paused to draught forbidden streams

That whispered siren promises
To drown his thirst (for sports amiss)

These waters held secrets
Like raped Russian dolls
Wherein evil and good
Tore his soul for control

And drunk with the verse of desire's first words

The weight of the universe
Slunk in rehearsed

Horror in numbers too great to discern
The rotting of worlds to the conqueror worm
And love a rare orchid so fragile in bloom
Espied gasping breath under dark sheeted moons

Shining Feriluce
Reflected in jaded mirror
Climbing from the noose
Of time in divine servitude

And thus a strange new melody
Of will and wanton fantasies
Whetted by the veiled, seen
Danced from his ashen lips
In red dawn scores, the silver scream
Of truth and her deleted scenes
Was taken up as far, it seemed
As God his words eclipsed

(Those waters hid visions
Like butchers in war
Perverting the course
Of life's blood evermore...)

In the beginning
Skinned well with gibbous tones
Of countenance and ignorance
In equal measures sewn
A marbled arc of Angels
Sworn to the Morningstar
Shared His pride and deep inside
Felt Chill Shadows sweep their cards

Apr 3, 2008

Claire de Lune

A marbled choir of Angels,
Shadowed by the Full Moon's Muse.
Her Reign, argent vast wonders,
Pillaging darkness with pride.

She brought a lance of Moonlight,
Piercing through the lightless veil.
Oh! Shining Muse, heed my cry:
Smite this emptiness within!

A single Nightmare lingers,
Clawing with razor sharp nails:
As far and high as thou are,
Blatant silence drowns my pleas.

Apr 1, 2008

¿Descubriré mi corazón
o presumiré los colores
de mi caparazón?