Aug 30, 2007

Halo 3 en español??

Estamos a menos de un mes de que salga el tercer y último episodio de la saga que comenzó con Halo: Combat Evolved (o en español: El Combate ha Evolucionado). En estos momentos lo que me está carcomiendo, pues quiero separarlo ya y quiero jugarlo en inglés, es el hecho de que no sé si H3 vaya a tener la opción, como muchos juegos ahora, de seleccionar el idioma del juego según el establecido en la consola. Esto se puede apreciar con todos los juegos recientes que han salido para el 360 y juegos que indican estar totalmente en español tienen el audio también en inglés si el idioma del 360 está en inglés.

Sin embargo, el H:CE seleccionaba el idioma de acuerdo al seleccionado en la consola y el H2 salió totalmente en español "neutro" que, para mí, fue una verdadera decepción escuchar al MC y a Cortana con un acento medio extraño, pareciéndose más a un trabajo de doblaje hecho por Univisión, y como si estuviesen leyendo directamente de un guión sin poner énfasis en las escenas de acción. En una sola palabra, aburrido... más desabrido que un coca al tiempo y sin gas.

Puedo pedirlo en Amazon y enviarlo a unas oficinas del trabajo de mi novia en Laredo, ya que no se pueden hacer envíos de juegos hacia afuera de EU, pero un Tiempo Estimado de Entrega sería imposible de determinar, tal vez hasta 2 ó 3 semanas después del 25/9. Otra es pedirlo en alguna tienda aquí en MTY, ya sea GamePlanet o Mix-up pero la verdad me ardería si el juego está "Totalmente en Español" sin importar el idioma seleccionado en el 360.

He buscado y buscado en los foros de Bungie y Microsoft y lo único que he logrado saber es que depende del 'publisher' si el juego tiene todos los idiomas o solamente uno para cada localidad. Estoy tentado a enviar una correo a y esperar a ver si es contestado. De cualqueir manera ya se sabe, el día de ayer comenzó la impresión de los discos para comenzar con la distribución a nivel mundial. Yo sólo quiero saber si me van a joder con un pésimo doblaje o si va a depender del idioma de la consola. Conociendo esto, mi decisión sería aún más fácil. Mi estimado LI, ¿tendrás algún dato que necesito para disolver mis dudas?

Aug 24, 2007

Now 2 Years...

Today two years ago, a friend of mine left this world after spending almost 13 years with my family and me. I knew him since he was very small and lived with us until he decided it was best to part to a better place. I cried when I woke up and found out that something had changed forever, for it was a painful experience I actually was expecting but didn't want to face.

He was, still is to this day, the center of talks of every Sunday BBQ at my place. His doings, mischievousness and behavior are all that is left of him in my memory and my heart, along with some pictures I manage to collect through dusty computer files and folders. He was there every time I needed someone to listen but couldn't talk to anyone. He seemed to understand me every time, he seemed to know how to behave and react. He was, actually, a very intelligent friend.

So there you have it, just a fraction of what I miss of him. I could go on and on but this knot in my throat won't let me. Now Molko is with us, but Zafir will always have a special place in my heart and in each of my family's members.


Aug 21, 2007

Pointless Symmetry

Last night I was watching TV (nothing interesting was on, as usual) and it was too late to begin a 360 game so I kept rolling on the channels to see if I caught anything.

I did caught something alright and it was kind of bizarre, actually, very bizarre; to the point that I never thought I would see that kind of stuff on TV, but hey! Now I know anything can happen in E!

So the story (in what I could get from less than a minute of watching it, I couldn't change channel as I was frozen in horror, like a deer facing a truck at full speed at night) goes like this.

This guy, was unhappy with his asymmetry (apparently, he was not "hanging" well). I cannot tell you how "asymmetrical" this guy was, for I did not (thank god) watch it for more than a minute, but nevertheless the idea haunted me through the night: This guy had waited for "all his life" for this surgery and could not believe how happy he was now that he's symmetrical, and he cried during the whole interview as if it had affected his whole life and couldn't live any longer lest the surgery was done.

Man!! How can you be unhappy with that kind of stuff? What did he do after surgery? Brag about it to his friends??? Ugh!! Another thing, the surgery was televised, I quickly changed channel as to not be branded eternally with the image, for that I thank for the lightning-quick reflexes I've got.

This really was bizarre, I hope I won't see anything like this again, from now on E! is banned (specially that crap of Dr. 90210, but really, everything on E! is shallow bullcrap) from my TV.

Aug 15, 2007

Lancer Evo X

The new Lancer Evo Spy Video, this baby is gorgeous!!! Just look at it, it exudes power!!

Aug 3, 2007

Mountain Gorilla Hunters

Mountain gorilla hunters should have, if captured, their hands and feet chopped off with a blunt rusty machete, then left on the jungle floor so Mother Nature can exact revenge on her enemies. Not only the hunters should be eliminated, but the rich bastards who believe having a gorilla's hand/foot as an ashtray is elite. Are you serious? Why don't I chop off your first born's hand, stuff it and use it as an ashtray.

These pieces of crap are the ones that should be scrapped from the face of the planet, the hunter's too but they are only suppliers. If the demand stops, so will the supply.

I pray for a Third Impact that will clean the earth from the parasitic humanity, sure there's good in the world, but really, is it worth the destruction of entire ecosystems? Or the end of entire species? For the sake of progress? no.... sadly, but no... we are the ones that should be eliminated soon... I thought we could learn from our mistakes, but man proves everytime that we can trip on the very same rock multiple times. No learning. Proof? Bush was elected twice. I rest my case.

Aug 2, 2007


Yesterday morning, as I drove to work, I was listening to the radio, to Imagen 107.7 to be more precise and there was a guest (probably a psychiatrist) and the theme was the behavior of the young adults generation.

It was very interesting, because they were describing that a large amount (I don't know about the exact number and no, I don't believe everything I hear) of young adults, who now can make their own money, have a way of thinking of which I thought I was the only one like that; at the very least, my own circle of friends.

Apparently, plenty of young adults are considered to be kidults, composite for kid and adult, watch cartoons instead of news (specially in Monterrey, local news programs SUCK big time, it's just gossip, literally speaking), play videogames, etc. They are now a force to be considered by companies who sell gadgets, videogames, computers, etc.

Some terms I heard were:

We are basically adults who don't want to be/feel old, who want to keep the best of both worlds: Youth and Money.

Do I think I'm a kidult? Why don't you leave a comment and tell me if you are, apparently we are not a small group as I thought we were.