Dec 5, 2007

Drivin' in Mexico City

Well... this will be pretty quick: I just drove for the first time in Mexico City in my girlfriend's mother car. From Viaducto and Cuauhtémoc to Tlalpan on the Periférico's second floor. I was receiving directions via Nextel so I had assistance pretty quick but it was an intense trip nonetheless. I've been here about a week and I've been the navigator in the city with a Guía Roji map on my right hand so I think I know more or less routes, but I know for sure that if you take the wrong exit, it can lead somewhere from where the return could be a difficult find if you don't know the city or if you don't have the city's map in hand, which I do own now. I miss you all, specially my Luna.

Nov 26, 2007

New Chapter

A new chapter in the book of my life begins and i hope it to be without sad incidents. I have come to Mexico City to work in a new project. This project consist of a Mall located in a not-so-nice neighbourhood. It is not the worst of them all but it's certainly unfriendly and even dangerous. One thing is certain from what I've heard about the place and I've come to the conclusion that I will not bring Leonor, sadly as it is. Anyway I will start looking for a place to live somewhat near the project but from a safe distance.

It was very hard to say goodbye to my beloved GVS, everytime I looked ahead a knot formed in my throat. But she is very supportive, though I know she's crying inside as I am (love you babe!). My family, as well, is very supportive and I want to thank Norma and Dany for the amazing stay at headquarters, you RULE! Not everybody knows this but I am not very receptive to change and this is a 180° turn in my life, hence the new chapter. For aproximately two years, life will change but I hope most of my life remains unchanged, specially the main characters that starred in the previous chapter.

I look forward to the end of this chapter, hoping for a happy conclusion.


Nov 20, 2007

How small we are...

I had always wondered how small we are. We think of ourselves as big because we live in a small world and we've been here without the knowledge of beyond...

Here's what I believe to be the most important picture ever taken by humanity: The Hubble Deep Field.



Nov 9, 2007

KINDA the Roadrunner and the coyote

This is KINDA the roadrunner and the coyote in real life. Damn rabbit saw it coming a lot of times and lived to see another day. Guess his momma's very proud of little Johnny.

Nov 8, 2007

300 (Mexicans)

I don't know if I find it offensive or actually laugh because of it's trueness. Nevertheless I think it's a good video of real life with a little of hollywood's dramatic scenarios.


300 Mexican - More amazing videos are a click away


I find geekiness comes in different "flavors". There's computer geek, movie geeks, trekkies (Star Trek geeks) and their sworn enemies: the Star Wars geeks, console geeks (xbox and ps3 fanboys). I could go on and on but the point here is that although I took this test, you can't find how geeky a person is with only 22 questions. Do the test and you'll know what I mean.
59% Geek

Nov 2, 2007

Halo in Stereo

I recently saw a webpage (if I can find it again, I will update with the link) that made use of the Screenshot function of the theater in Halo 3 to produce Stereoscopic Images, it really looks good and I know some basic concepts of Stereoscopy. I'm not claiming I did it first but surely I didn't remember so I could use it.

In particular, I can "see" images easier using the parallel viewing technique rather than the cross eyes one. So these images are made specially for parallel viewing. These images are the first ones I make but I think they came out pretty good.

I really like this "new toy" so expect more like these in the future, not only from halo, but I'm thinking PGR3 or Forza Motorsport 2, I don't know, could get interesting, doesn't it?


DaFT PuNK @ MTY 2007

I haven't been in a Daft Punk concert and I really don't know what to expect. Will they bring their full show or just part of it? What songs will they play? Will they wear their usual helmets or new ones?

As I previously said, I don't know what to expect but I will enjoy it for sure. The concert is tonight at the Arena Monterrey. I found a video of this year's (2007) DP performance at the Wireless Festival at London.

I'll tell you later what went on, k? Spectacular, but this word doesn't even begin to describe it. It was the same setup as the video's but way cooler live.


*UPDATE: I added another video depicting 'almost' the entire concert "feeling" performed at Summercamp Barcelona \m/, the second video (the first previously posted) is "One More Time".

Terminal Se7en and Abstract Angel

There are drawings that I like, and there are drawings that are just fantastic. I recently "discovered" this guy/gal's gallery and his conception of art is really interesting. If you like what you see, head on to his/her (?) gallery.

Nov 1, 2007

Dancing Parrot

Sometimes animals do things and sometimes the do amazing things. Every one who knows me well, knows that I love parrots and this video just shows how intelligent some of them are.

Here's Snowball in the first part (I gotta look for the other parts), have fun!

Oct 31, 2007

A Halloween Special

art by Keun-chul Jang (IronBrush)
If only this could be real,
just for one night.
You could be their meal,
devoured in the absence of light.
art by Viktor Titov (HamsterFly)

Oct 26, 2007

ViDeo-iMPoSeD FeeLiNGS

Very few works manage to move me and this one moved the laughter strings.

But others strife on the cuckoo side of the spectrum and are even more disturbing when you think: This was made for small children to watch it.

Oct 22, 2007

Psychedelic aRT

Sometimes you see something and instantly fall in love with them, whether it's based on aesthetics or uniqueness. This 'find' was quite unusual and I was drawn to Alex Grey's unique art. It reminded me of the cover art of Tool's Lateralus (if it isn't made by Grey himself).

It is my duty to try and spread this art to whoever might stumble on my blog. You can go thru this link and head to 'Paintings' on the left menu and then head over to 'Progress of the Soul', though I recommend watching the entire Drawing's section.

Happy Trippin'

Oct 15, 2007


This weekend a friend of mine returned to Monterrey briefly to attend a wedding. He was supposed to arrive Wednesday night but due to sheer bad luck he arrived Friday at noon. There was kind of a reunion of friends I haven't seen for a while and it was good to share memories of past events.

There were many things involved during his stay:
Here are some pictures of his stay here:

Oct 12, 2007

Get outta the line, Atheist!!

Two videos I recently watched featuring a very funny perspective on lines by SUC John Pinette.

The second, well, you just watch Atheist and prepare to be proven wrong! Ladies and gentlemen, the Atheist Delusion

Oct 9, 2007


Graphology is the study of one's signature and this website does is for free, this is quite interesting even though it's not done by a real graphologist. Anyway, of you're interested drop by and have your signature analyzed (don't worry, in no way you're giving THEM your signature). This is what came out of mine:
"Grafológicamente, la firma es una biografía abreviada de su autor. Debe observarse conjuntamente con un texto que la acompañe, pero de cualquier forma, de acuerdo a ciertas características específicas de su signatura, se puede distinguir lo siguiente:

La ubicación en el papel indica que se manifiesta como una persona centrada y cautelosa. Según el tamaño de la firma, grande, tiende a la extraversión. El predominio de formas rectas, revela disciplina, orden y cierto pragmatismo. El ángulo ascendente indica una buena ambición y deseo de superación. La velocidad media señala una persona medida y justa en su accionar. Según la presión de la escritura, posee un temperamento práctico y activo. La rúbrica indica seguridad y determinación; una persona que busca concretar sus metas, enfrentando los desafíos y las nuevas situaciones. Al ser prácticamente ilegible, indica una actitud de desconfianza y precaución en un primer contacto frente a los demás. La utilización de las mayúsculas en la firma permite deducir que tiene una buena autovaloración y autoimagen. Al utilizar el nombre y apellido, demuestra un equilibrio entre el rol familiar y social. El 'Yo' íntimo y la tradición.

Las características precedentes de este informe son generales, y están enteramente basadas en lo que representa su estampa personal en el momento instantáneo en que la escribió, y muchos factores están sujetos al cambio permanente según el devenir de la vida."

-Estudio grafológico gratuito de la firma

Sep 26, 2007


El 25 de Septiembre fue un día muy especial, dejando a un lado el hecho estresante de salir tarde o no ir a comer por las remodelaciones en la oficina y además sacar la chamba del diario y encima sacar "pequeñas" tareas que no he visto se utilicen o son solamente para confirmar algo que ya saben pero que no se vuelve a utilizar. Bueno, pero todo esto mejor lo guardo para otro post, hoy vine a platicarles acerca del 25 de Septiembre. Para empezar, este fue el día en el que por fin pude ver a Héroes del Silencio después de 10 años de la última vez que los dejé pasar porque "no me sabía las rolas", tonterías me dí cuenta después. El concierto superó mis expectativas, y no hubo rola alguna con la que no me emocionara. En fin, para los que no los han visto en vivo o los van a volver a ver en esta gira del 2007, les aseguro que no quedarán decepcionados.

El Setlist en Monterrey:
  1. El Estanque
  2. Deshacer el Mundo
  3. Mar Adentro
  4. La Carta
  5. Bendecida
  6. La Sirena Varada
  7. Opio
  8. La Herida
  9. Héroe de Leyenda
  10. Con Nombre de Guerra
  11. Lágrimas
  12. Iberia Sumergida
  13. Oración
  14. La Chispa adecuada
  15. Entre Dos Tierras
  16. Maldito Duende
  17. Sangre Hirviendo
  18. Malas intenciones
  19. En brazos de la fiebre
Por otro lado, el 25 fue también el "Launch Day" casi mundial de Halo 3, que es la conclusión de la saga que comenzó con Halo:Combat Evolved y quedaron pendientes por concluir muchas cosas en el Halo 2... "Cortana se ha quedado con el Gravemind!". A pesar que sí está en español, este doblaje no apesta como el doblaje de Halo 2, por otro lado Bungie y Microsoft sí pudieron romper el récord de los 155 millones de dólares durante las primeras 24 horas pues recaudaron mas o menos 170 millones, lo que hace a Halo 3 "the highest grossing entertainment launch in history," incluyendo películas, novelas, etc. El multiplayer para H3 es impresionante pero la campaña esta de no ma... No les voy a decir porqué pero cuando lo vean, lo sabrán. Búsquenme, agrégenme y nos aventamos unos balazos.

Sep 21, 2007


Yesterday night I picked up my brand new Eclipse GT from the retailer. This car is really beautiful, leaves me breathless every time I lay eyes upon it. I will post pics of it pretty soon, meanwhile I'll leave here a pic of another Eclipse, same color and stuff.

First of all, I wanna thank my dad for giving me this opportunity, I will never forget!!

I still have not named it, any ideas?

Update1: I decided on a name. This is the first car with a female name because I think such a sexy car deserves a sexy name and Leonor it is, I've always liked that name and how it sounds.

Sep 20, 2007

Sep 7, 2007

Pre-order Now!

So finally I succumbed to the fact that I couldn't wait much longer lest I'd be without Halo 3 for at least the rest of the year. I have had my doubts about buying the game in Mexico for the sole reason of going through the game with an awful translation, Neutral Spanish?? Come on! Nevertheless, I have come to acknowledge the fact that pretty much every game I've played, whether it was bought here in Monterrey MX or in the US&A, the language audio pretty much depends on the language set on the console so in short words, I hope will not be disappointed in the week of the September 25th. I pre-ordered it today, well.... actually yesterday as it is 3:30 of the day after.

I just couldn't bear any longer (now I'm just being dramatic) wondering the outcome without purchasing the movie ticket in the first place. It may be that I've become a big Halo fan, though I may not be considered the best at it. Either way, at this very moment, it has become one of my new favorite things. Maybe it's the thrill of mowing someone down in Live while carrying a detached turret.

Anyway, as you may or may not know, there were three options to choose from: Legendary Edition, Collector's Edition and Regular Edition. The only option left was Game Planet, the game shop without A/C where you can actually smell sweaty nerd salesmen (every time I go makes me rethink all this videogame addiction of mine, really). Negative point #2: I had to pay the full price up-front, and ca$h. Damn! If only I had decided earlier I could have made a deal with Mix-up, anyway. I chose Collector's, a friend of mine is getting Legendary so I will be watching all those beautiful HD video cut scenes from previous Halo games and all the rest of the stuff. Can't wait to join a Team Slayer game back again and Laser someone down. It's time to "Finish the Fight" (That was very halo fanboy-ish... pathetic haha!)

Aug 30, 2007

Halo 3 en español??

Estamos a menos de un mes de que salga el tercer y último episodio de la saga que comenzó con Halo: Combat Evolved (o en español: El Combate ha Evolucionado). En estos momentos lo que me está carcomiendo, pues quiero separarlo ya y quiero jugarlo en inglés, es el hecho de que no sé si H3 vaya a tener la opción, como muchos juegos ahora, de seleccionar el idioma del juego según el establecido en la consola. Esto se puede apreciar con todos los juegos recientes que han salido para el 360 y juegos que indican estar totalmente en español tienen el audio también en inglés si el idioma del 360 está en inglés.

Sin embargo, el H:CE seleccionaba el idioma de acuerdo al seleccionado en la consola y el H2 salió totalmente en español "neutro" que, para mí, fue una verdadera decepción escuchar al MC y a Cortana con un acento medio extraño, pareciéndose más a un trabajo de doblaje hecho por Univisión, y como si estuviesen leyendo directamente de un guión sin poner énfasis en las escenas de acción. En una sola palabra, aburrido... más desabrido que un coca al tiempo y sin gas.

Puedo pedirlo en Amazon y enviarlo a unas oficinas del trabajo de mi novia en Laredo, ya que no se pueden hacer envíos de juegos hacia afuera de EU, pero un Tiempo Estimado de Entrega sería imposible de determinar, tal vez hasta 2 ó 3 semanas después del 25/9. Otra es pedirlo en alguna tienda aquí en MTY, ya sea GamePlanet o Mix-up pero la verdad me ardería si el juego está "Totalmente en Español" sin importar el idioma seleccionado en el 360.

He buscado y buscado en los foros de Bungie y Microsoft y lo único que he logrado saber es que depende del 'publisher' si el juego tiene todos los idiomas o solamente uno para cada localidad. Estoy tentado a enviar una correo a y esperar a ver si es contestado. De cualqueir manera ya se sabe, el día de ayer comenzó la impresión de los discos para comenzar con la distribución a nivel mundial. Yo sólo quiero saber si me van a joder con un pésimo doblaje o si va a depender del idioma de la consola. Conociendo esto, mi decisión sería aún más fácil. Mi estimado LI, ¿tendrás algún dato que necesito para disolver mis dudas?

Aug 24, 2007

Now 2 Years...

Today two years ago, a friend of mine left this world after spending almost 13 years with my family and me. I knew him since he was very small and lived with us until he decided it was best to part to a better place. I cried when I woke up and found out that something had changed forever, for it was a painful experience I actually was expecting but didn't want to face.

He was, still is to this day, the center of talks of every Sunday BBQ at my place. His doings, mischievousness and behavior are all that is left of him in my memory and my heart, along with some pictures I manage to collect through dusty computer files and folders. He was there every time I needed someone to listen but couldn't talk to anyone. He seemed to understand me every time, he seemed to know how to behave and react. He was, actually, a very intelligent friend.

So there you have it, just a fraction of what I miss of him. I could go on and on but this knot in my throat won't let me. Now Molko is with us, but Zafir will always have a special place in my heart and in each of my family's members.


Aug 21, 2007

Pointless Symmetry

Last night I was watching TV (nothing interesting was on, as usual) and it was too late to begin a 360 game so I kept rolling on the channels to see if I caught anything.

I did caught something alright and it was kind of bizarre, actually, very bizarre; to the point that I never thought I would see that kind of stuff on TV, but hey! Now I know anything can happen in E!

So the story (in what I could get from less than a minute of watching it, I couldn't change channel as I was frozen in horror, like a deer facing a truck at full speed at night) goes like this.

This guy, was unhappy with his asymmetry (apparently, he was not "hanging" well). I cannot tell you how "asymmetrical" this guy was, for I did not (thank god) watch it for more than a minute, but nevertheless the idea haunted me through the night: This guy had waited for "all his life" for this surgery and could not believe how happy he was now that he's symmetrical, and he cried during the whole interview as if it had affected his whole life and couldn't live any longer lest the surgery was done.

Man!! How can you be unhappy with that kind of stuff? What did he do after surgery? Brag about it to his friends??? Ugh!! Another thing, the surgery was televised, I quickly changed channel as to not be branded eternally with the image, for that I thank for the lightning-quick reflexes I've got.

This really was bizarre, I hope I won't see anything like this again, from now on E! is banned (specially that crap of Dr. 90210, but really, everything on E! is shallow bullcrap) from my TV.

Aug 15, 2007

Lancer Evo X

The new Lancer Evo Spy Video, this baby is gorgeous!!! Just look at it, it exudes power!!

Aug 3, 2007

Mountain Gorilla Hunters

Mountain gorilla hunters should have, if captured, their hands and feet chopped off with a blunt rusty machete, then left on the jungle floor so Mother Nature can exact revenge on her enemies. Not only the hunters should be eliminated, but the rich bastards who believe having a gorilla's hand/foot as an ashtray is elite. Are you serious? Why don't I chop off your first born's hand, stuff it and use it as an ashtray.

These pieces of crap are the ones that should be scrapped from the face of the planet, the hunter's too but they are only suppliers. If the demand stops, so will the supply.

I pray for a Third Impact that will clean the earth from the parasitic humanity, sure there's good in the world, but really, is it worth the destruction of entire ecosystems? Or the end of entire species? For the sake of progress? no.... sadly, but no... we are the ones that should be eliminated soon... I thought we could learn from our mistakes, but man proves everytime that we can trip on the very same rock multiple times. No learning. Proof? Bush was elected twice. I rest my case.

Aug 2, 2007


Yesterday morning, as I drove to work, I was listening to the radio, to Imagen 107.7 to be more precise and there was a guest (probably a psychiatrist) and the theme was the behavior of the young adults generation.

It was very interesting, because they were describing that a large amount (I don't know about the exact number and no, I don't believe everything I hear) of young adults, who now can make their own money, have a way of thinking of which I thought I was the only one like that; at the very least, my own circle of friends.

Apparently, plenty of young adults are considered to be kidults, composite for kid and adult, watch cartoons instead of news (specially in Monterrey, local news programs SUCK big time, it's just gossip, literally speaking), play videogames, etc. They are now a force to be considered by companies who sell gadgets, videogames, computers, etc.

Some terms I heard were:

We are basically adults who don't want to be/feel old, who want to keep the best of both worlds: Youth and Money.

Do I think I'm a kidult? Why don't you leave a comment and tell me if you are, apparently we are not a small group as I thought we were.

Jul 30, 2007

Ubuntu Now

I recently made my choice about the OS issue. I will migrate to Ubuntu at my home PC and sync my zune at work (which was the main restriction in doing so). Maybe I'll have to double boot (two OS) my home PC, i haven't decided on that yet. I'll let you know soon how it went...

Jul 26, 2007

10,222 days since Day 0

I'm now 28 years old, plus 2 days as of today. It's amazing how time goes by faster when you're getting older than when we were little kids. 28 sounds a lot, of course it depends on the perspective. To many, 28 is at the beginning of life; to me, yeah, it's a lot too.

This last few days have been very dramatic to every extent of my life. I have had revelations to the point of being overwhelmed no matter if it's for good or bad. I won't get into details, it's too confusing even for me.

Anyway, on the bright side I spent my birthday party at a friend's apartment. Just friends, kind of boring to some party animals but to me, it works great. I'll post some pictures afterwards.

I don't remember if I posted this, but my car became a subject of vandalism, as somebody (may his body be eternally ripped apart over and over for all eternity in hell, along with the moroccan who.... you know who) stole my favorite backpack with my zune's sync cable, a wall charger (also for the Zune) and a pair of passive speakers. Anyway, I was given the sync cable so finally I can charge my zune and listen to it again!!!

Anyway, congrats to everybody who turned something at July 22nd.


Giovana and Said

Manuel and Pupa

Said and Molko

Jul 16, 2007

Neill Blomkamp and the Halo movie

Hello IR, it's been a while since I wrote anything here, been very busy completing my objectives at work and writing my dog's (Molko) blog, so I sort of left mine on the side. I was checking out the "Halo: Arms Race" video released at the E3 and realized it was being directed by Blomkamp who, if you happen to know, is the chosen director for the upcoming Halo movie.

According to what I've read, Neill was chosen by Jackson after he watched "Alive in Joburg" which is pretty good and would be very interesting to find out how Neill will work in this project. After all, he will be crucified if the movie doesn't live up to Halo fans expectations. Of course many of them will be disappointed, there will always be fanboys who will never be pleased unless they get something exactly as they imagined it.

Anyway, here's the short film that got NB to direct Halo, followed by two more of his projects, named Tetra Vaal and Yellow, and the directed short film Halo: Arms Race. Happy Viewing.

Alive in Joburg

Tetra Vaal


Halo: Arms Race

Jul 1, 2007

Molko Day One Videos

Well, finally some videos of Molko, my boxer. Here he's about 1 month old and he's cute as hell! You can check out his blog (in Spanish) where "he" writes about important events in his life, the main goal is having his life documented and see how he grows!

Jun 21, 2007

Throne of Tragedy

By: John Henrik Svaren "Tragediens Trone"

Hear! From this day forth,
Are the heights of Ho'reb broken,
And the sea of sulphur - ice.

And Blasphemy!
In Heaven's chambers,
Souls have fled their halls,
And closed was the Book of Life.

And behold!!
The great, white Throne,
Black with sacred blood...

Jun 20, 2007


By Edgar Allan Poe

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were — I have not seen
As others saw — I could not bring
My passions from a common spring —
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow — I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone —
And all I lov'd — I lov'd alone —
Then — in my childhood — in the dawn
Of a most stormy life — was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still —
From the torrent, or the fountain —
From the red cliff of the mountain —
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold —
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by —
From the thunder, and the storm —
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view —

This poem by Poe, was introduced to me by the song of the same name by the Black/Avantgarde metal band Arcturus. The lyrics intrigued me, as they were beautiful and expressed clearly how I felt at the moment. I can still relate to the feeling to this day, and i think I always will...

Now, for the musical side of the poem, I tried to search for a video by Arcturus, and while it's not what I tried to find, this live act was all I could find. I prefer the 'studio' song but this will do, specially for all of you Hellhammer fans around the world.

Jun 18, 2007

Father's Day

Yesterday I was offered a project. I always wanted the opportunity, so now I got it. The opportunity for a real jump, I will not let him down!! Now the ball is on my side, I cannot falter or I'll fail. I cannot fail....

I love you dad!!!

Jun 13, 2007

From Render to Reality

I received this past Monday a picture, taken by Hugo Gutierrez, of a group of houses that were built from a project I was involved in since its very beginning. The project was full of changes, adaptations and tweaks. I even made a couple of renders, one of which I'll be posting here besides the one with the actual houses.

It's rewarding to know that such a project, specially one you worked in very hard gets materialized.

...The Real Deal...

...The Renders...
I want to thank Hugo for the opportunity he gave me in working with him. I gathered a lot of experience in project development. ThNX!!

PD.- By the way, I added a link to Molko's Blog in the Sharp Minded Link Center, my (and GVS) new doggie!

Jun 11, 2007

His Name is Molko...

A new best friend came into the family this Sunday the 10th (the day the Halo beta multiplayer went away) and, damn!! he's cute. He's a 4 weeks-old boxer and named after Placebo's singer, Brian Molko. I'll take frequent pictures of him so I have a record of him growing. I'm sure time will pass on by really really quickly, so I'll try to get the most of this puppy stage. I shot a couple of videos but danmed youtube is having problems uploading 3gp videos, as soon as I manage to upload them I'll post'em.

Welcome Molko!!

Jun 7, 2007


A bird sings at dawn,
The echoes answer its song.
A bird flies* alone...

Jun 6, 2007

Who Could Have Known??

The Master Chief at Halo...


Jun 5, 2007

1/10,000 of a second

This made me think of what I'm doing with my time:
"If we scaled the age of the Universe (13 billion years (that's 13,000,000,000 for americans) into a single 24hour day, the average human lifespace would last 1/10,000 of a second. What will you do with your 1/10,000 of a second?"

To All Guitar Hero Enthusiasts!!!

Heed this!! To all Guitar Hero enthusiasts, x360 and ps2 fanboys alike!! You think you really rock? You think of yourself as rockstars? Just because you play a guitar with six (yes, only five "fret" keys and the stroke), then yes, you ARE* a rockstar...

*This is, of course, sarcasm my dear fanboy...

Think again

May 31, 2007

Howard Phillips Lovecraft

I originally intended to develop at least two logs very different to what I'm posting now. The reason is that I have found something extraordinaire that surpasses both of the initial ideas I had planned.

Though I have read just a few novels by Master Lovecraft, I have been profoundly "in love" with his narrative (though I have to mention that the novels I've read are the Spanish translation by Borges*) and the way he describes everything in a dark mysterious light, macabre at some points, specially those stories concerning the Cthulu Mythos.

Nevertheless, I have not read more of him because there are not that many books around that contain all of his novels (except the most famous ones) but I recently (as of today) discovered this wiki that contains all (to my knowledge) of his written works, in addition to some legal documents and essays.

For example, one of my favorites, The Whisperer in Darkness appears here. I hope you find this exciting as well.


*So I'm told, I have not had the time to corroborate this.

May 25, 2007

Lunar-Resonant Streetlighting

I read a little about this and I believe it's a great idea, although it cannot be embraced everywhere because of personal and material security. Nevertheless, I would love to see this happen in the "Big Ranch" I spend my days in.

The basic idea is that street lighting respond to ambient nightlight (in short, moonlight) and dim or brighten due to the moon's brightness in Her 28 days cycle. Of course if it's cloudy, the system will brighten the lights. This concept, by
Civil Twilight, could save up to 80-90% of the energy used for street lighting and as a bonus, we could delight ourselves again with a starry night and the beautiful silvery Moon. It's worth mentioning that Civil Twilight won this year's (2007, so I won't forget) Metropolis Next Generation Ideas competition.

If you're interested in the full story, read on! Would this concept work in your city? Leave a comment!!

May 24, 2007

Fallen Art

Sick, twisted and one of the darkest CG animations I've ever seen. Enjoy...

May 16, 2007


Can you feel the end?
Can you feel the cold? It's here,
Right in the middle.

May 14, 2007

Creedence Clearwater Revisited

Creedence Clearwater Revisited Tour 07 closed yesterday on May 13th here in Monterrey. I must say that, though the auditorium was not filled to its maximum capacity, Creedence rocked out! One of the best concerts I've been to, regarding audience-band. It began kinda slow, as if both sides were too shy to show any emotion. By the end of the first song a few people broke into applause and cheering and a couple of 'Misters' were already dancing around with a 'doubled-sized' beer glass each (the glass was made of platic, so nobody's life was actually at risk).

Song after song the audience was building momentum until the end of the concert. I wish my Dad was there, he would've like it but he was travelling to Shangai at the moment. I heard about Creedence because of him and have old memories with their songs as soundtracks of my life. Surely I was very happy to hear them, you can tell they're haveing so mucho fun doing it, no matter how old they're, at least the drummer is 62 years old but man, he's in a better shape than most people my age.

Besides the concert and the energy these five people projected, something else that came to my notice is that two members were identical with two of my friends, CheChe and Martín.

Keep on Rockin' CCR! If you're back, I will come back to rock with you. I had so much fun yesterday at the gig that i wouldn't mind paying $900 (times two) again.

May 11, 2007

New Music for my Blog

We have been blessed by the new Widgets that is offering to members. You may remember when I first posted that I added a 'quilt' displaying my favorite albums, you can see it on the right of this post.

Anyway, now I have replaced the 'Recently Played" to a new one which is updated every 2 minutes or so, some songs can even be clicked if the have a Play sign and a 30 seconds sample will, well, play. The NEW widget, is My Radio, which will play songs based on my profile. Hope you enjoy them.

It would be cool as Hell if only I could tune through my 360. No need to turn on my PC. I hope one day this can be delivered in a near-future spring update.


May 8, 2007


I have been hearing all this so-called news about the brightest supernova ever. They say the explosion was 150 times brighter than the sun, others that the explosion itself was 150 times larger than the sun. They can't understand this type of events. What really was 150 times larger than the sun was the actual star before the nova. This occurred 240 million light-years away, 240 million years ago. But the light just reached us six months ago in September, the name of the supernova: SN 2006gy. It was 50 billion (that's 50,000,000,000 for americans) times brighter than the sun, outshining 10 times its own galaxy lasting 70 days! The damnest thing is that its too far away to be seen with the naked eye, but I have a surprise for you, keep reading.

This Supernova, the largest ever observed began expelling most of its mass prior to the explosion, which is happening in our own galaxy, a star named Eta Carinae may "be on the brink" of an explosion (chances are, it already has). Scientists say that this event may be the best "star-show in the history of modern civilization." Eta's supernova would be visible from Earth during day and night and would be visible for only a couple of weeks.

Prepare the snacks mates, in a few thousand years (if not tomorrow) Eta's show will be the talk of the moment, only in the Southern Hemisphere, bad luck for us North-hemisphereans.
As a bonus, have a view of the "Pillars of Creation" at the Eagle Nebula.
Here you can take a look at the animation prepared by NASA. First, the matter release in the shape of two spheres, then the moment of truth. This thing would have looked gorgeous.

May 7, 2007

Stupid Spidey

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

I cannot believe how stupid the character Peter Parker becomes with each movie. This was, among the three, my least favorite. Putting aside the dancing lessons that sure comes with the symbiote, the emo hairstyle, the black mascara, the professionally jealous girlfriend and the skinny Brock, this movie kinda sucks. Too long for me, they could have cut all the crap off and just leave the interesting stuff; leave the extra for the Extended Version, that would've been a smart move.

The new Venom, hmmm, didn't quite have the "strength" the original Venom has and was kind of ridiculous how Brock came in contact with the symbiote especially after asking god to kill Peter Parker for "humiliating" him. Parker did this because Brock forged a photo of Spidey robbing a bank and exposed him with the original picture and the changes he made.

Anyway, for me there was something missing in the movie, still don't know what it was, maybe the hype was part of this, but I didn't like it as much as the first two.

What do you think? Did you like it? Why?

May 3, 2007

Halo 3 Beta Update

Today, at least to me, were released a couple of videos, exclusive to the social network. The new leaks show a new map known only as Epitiah (as someone else mentioned, probably a misspelling). Anyway, enjoy and thank god I bought Crackdown (which I must say is a very entertaining game, actually).

Apr 30, 2007

Pulp Fiction

One of my favorite movies, in case you have not seen it, I recommend you do. Cult movie, definitely a must! Here i posted two videos regarding this movie:

Do you know what does Marcellus Wallace look like?

In case you have not watched Pulp Fiction, here's a f*cking short version of it.

Apr 28, 2007

Americans are NOT Stupid!!

I just had to put this. Not all of them are, but the vast majority truly is. bet they don't even know why they're fighting.... Freedom they say? Were they slaves?? I'd tell you what they are, but I guess you already know the answer, especially after watching this video. Our British friends worked so hard to demystify this issue:

3D Video!

New video from The Purple Haze, check it out and download their mp3's for free! You can check info on them here too. The song's name is 3D.


Apr 27, 2007

Feliz CA Padere!!

El 25 de Abril mi padre cumplió años. Como siempre, sus fiestas son la onda, nada de aburrición. Atacados de la risa y siempre sonriente mi padere! Pronto pondré las fotos, ya debo este y otro post pero falta traer la cámara o ponerlas en mi casa... Pronto, no desesperes!

Apr 26, 2007

Hijo de la Luna

Bueno, la busqué y solamente encontré la versión para 'embed' de la rola. La voy a seguir buscando en mp3. Si la tienes, estimado lector, pásala no seas cookie. El cover lo realiza Stravaganzza y la verdad, me gustó mucho. Disfrútenla!

Halo 3 Zanzibar

New post on regarding Halo 3. A leak came out on what seems to be a remake of Zanzibar, named in this instance "Last Resort" or something. Crappy youtube under-100-kb video will make a point, but if you want the nice looking (according to the source, I have yet to download this) video, that's here in this torrent.

If you haven't got your Crackdown copy (otherwise known as Halo 3 multiplayer demo with Crackdown) i say you should better hurry up, I will buy mine this weekend!! I can't freaking wait...

Cheers mates!

Apr 25, 2007


Darkness approaches,
in mysteries I will drown.
No full-moon tonight.

Apr 23, 2007

Bye bye Boris

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, age 76, died today as a result of heart problems. He was responsible of, according to experts, helping develop a "vibrant" economy through harsh methods. This resulted in resentment by many russians who lost their life savings not to menion their sons/brothers/fathers in the war against Chechen rebels. He also presented himself drunk on several international summits hehe.

My Best Friend's Wedding

No, this doesn't has anythign to do with the film with the same name. No, 'tis about one of my best friends' wedding, who commited himself to eternal bondage [=P] this past friday the 20th. He really looked very happy, I'm glad he is and wish him a life full of happiness and success, he deserves it. Anyway, I took some pictures but don't have them right now, I'll make sure I post them later. Cheers mates and congratulations Vale for this gigantic step in your life.

Apr 20, 2007

Chinese 'Dark Brown'

This is funny. Doris Moore, a color Canadian resident bought a new couch (or the whole set I don't remember, she bought something alright!). To her surprise, her seven-year old daughter found the tag in which the Color of the item is described: "Nigger Brown". She knew one color alright, but asked what is Nigger? Anyway, the FIRST error was made by Kingsoft's translation program, in which if you type the dark brown in Chinese, the software translates dark into nigger. This was, supposedly, corrected, but now if you input English nigger, you'll get dark in Chinese.
Funny ain't it? This lady is blaming everybody asking: Don't they read anything? The supplier? The producer? I ask her: Don't you read anything either?? You bought the fucking couch, don't you? I mean, it must have been somewhere visible, her daughter found the tag, a 7 year-old.

Now she's asking for compensation (she wants bling-bling) and she claims none of her friends want to sit on the couch (oh my! why is that? It's a high quality Chinese product [= P] for god's sake!) If you look for this "color" category, you'll find it's actually not that uncommon. Besides, chinese-english translations are very funny, no wonder the "new" color description. And now. the picture with our day's post star sitting on her brand new "Dark Brown" couch, Doris 'I-will-not-take-this-chinese-crap-anymoore' Moore:

Apr 19, 2007

Transformers Face Off

The new movie will rule, at least the graphics, hopefully the entire story. And for the eye candy, here's a face off Megatron (whose voice will be provided by Hugo Weaving (Hello, Mister Anderson)) vs. Optimus (I believe the original Prime's voice actor will return to make this movie, frankly, I have never heard his voice, at least not knowingly).

Cheers mates!

Apr 18, 2007

New Machine and Ubuntu [i.wish]

I have, as most of my friends, a computer at home. It's a generic computer, built with the best components I could afford back then. Now, she's kinda old and soooo veery fucking slow. Two things I have at the top of my Things-to-get-for-my-PC list:
  • RAM, at least 1.5 GB (I wanna have 2 GB, this will at least increase the response time)
  • Video Card (I have installed a 64 mb Nvidia gForce 4, although it gets the work done, it's just 64 mb, so now I want at least 256 mb)

These two are subject to change in case I decide to update the motherboard and processor, but I am not very close to my computer so, I guess I can let it be like this with these two little extras that will sure improve speed issues.

Just before I do this, or after, I would like to get Ubuntu 7.04 installed instead of Windows. The issue here is the Zune software, which can't work on Linux but as I have read somewhere else it's easy to get it to work with a Virtual Machine like VMware, and I can kiss the PC-xbox360 symbiosis goodbye. In any case, I don't have enough time to get everything done with my PC. But definitely I would love to migrate to Linux.

Apr 13, 2007

Do you believe?

Fortunately (or unfortunately) I have not been witness to any strange phenomena besides the usual UFO(s). This photograph was sent to me due to its unusal features. If it's cigarrette smoke, then it's a bit strange for it to shape like that. Share your comments.

Note: I have not in any way modified the photograph, it is being displayed as it was given to me.

Apr 11, 2007

Springbreak @ Mexico City 2007

This is the third time I go to Mexico City and I love going there, really. Everytime I go, there's something new and this time there it was. My girl's family is great, a bit crazier (in a good party way) than most people and their parties are more fun than the parties of a local Zoolander or other "party" people in this matter.

I would like to add more text to this, but am too damn busy so I will post the best pictures and the movie that marked the hightlight of the trip.

...en el segundo piso...
...en el antara, donde me pidieron 'abstenerme' de tomar fotos, que mamones la neta...
...un Scrag Gigante, Pupa???
...Sebastián y Giovis...
Guess who pedo!!!