Oct 31, 2007

A Halloween Special

art by Keun-chul Jang (IronBrush)
If only this could be real,
just for one night.
You could be their meal,
devoured in the absence of light.
art by Viktor Titov (HamsterFly)

Oct 26, 2007

ViDeo-iMPoSeD FeeLiNGS

Very few works manage to move me and this one moved the laughter strings.

But others strife on the cuckoo side of the spectrum and are even more disturbing when you think: This was made for small children to watch it.

Oct 22, 2007

Psychedelic aRT

Sometimes you see something and instantly fall in love with them, whether it's based on aesthetics or uniqueness. This 'find' was quite unusual and I was drawn to Alex Grey's unique art. It reminded me of the cover art of Tool's Lateralus (if it isn't made by Grey himself).

It is my duty to try and spread this art to whoever might stumble on my blog. You can go thru this link and head to 'Paintings' on the left menu and then head over to 'Progress of the Soul', though I recommend watching the entire Drawing's section.

Happy Trippin'

Oct 15, 2007


This weekend a friend of mine returned to Monterrey briefly to attend a wedding. He was supposed to arrive Wednesday night but due to sheer bad luck he arrived Friday at noon. There was kind of a reunion of friends I haven't seen for a while and it was good to share memories of past events.

There were many things involved during his stay:
Here are some pictures of his stay here:

Oct 12, 2007

Get outta the line, Atheist!!

Two videos I recently watched featuring a very funny perspective on lines by SUC John Pinette.

The second, well, you just watch Atheist and prepare to be proven wrong! Ladies and gentlemen, the Atheist Delusion

Oct 9, 2007


Graphology is the study of one's signature and this website does is for free, this is quite interesting even though it's not done by a real graphologist. Anyway, of you're interested drop by and have your signature analyzed (don't worry, in no way you're giving THEM your signature). This is what came out of mine:
"Grafológicamente, la firma es una biografía abreviada de su autor. Debe observarse conjuntamente con un texto que la acompañe, pero de cualquier forma, de acuerdo a ciertas características específicas de su signatura, se puede distinguir lo siguiente:

La ubicación en el papel indica que se manifiesta como una persona centrada y cautelosa. Según el tamaño de la firma, grande, tiende a la extraversión. El predominio de formas rectas, revela disciplina, orden y cierto pragmatismo. El ángulo ascendente indica una buena ambición y deseo de superación. La velocidad media señala una persona medida y justa en su accionar. Según la presión de la escritura, posee un temperamento práctico y activo. La rúbrica indica seguridad y determinación; una persona que busca concretar sus metas, enfrentando los desafíos y las nuevas situaciones. Al ser prácticamente ilegible, indica una actitud de desconfianza y precaución en un primer contacto frente a los demás. La utilización de las mayúsculas en la firma permite deducir que tiene una buena autovaloración y autoimagen. Al utilizar el nombre y apellido, demuestra un equilibrio entre el rol familiar y social. El 'Yo' íntimo y la tradición.

Las características precedentes de este informe son generales, y están enteramente basadas en lo que representa su estampa personal en el momento instantáneo en que la escribió, y muchos factores están sujetos al cambio permanente según el devenir de la vida."

-Estudio grafológico gratuito de la firma