Sep 24, 2006


Very well, i have been playing of lately Project Gotham Racing 3 which is a racing simulator for the Xbox 360. A simulator consists of, as its name implies, simulate the physics of real cars. One thing I was amazed at was the graphic part of the game. The sound effects are awesome as well as the vast car collection.

This game if filled with features that make thi
s game one of the best racing games out there. For one, you can take photos of your cars as you race, in a saved replay or in your garage. The picture is saved in the xbox 360 memory device and, if you're connected on xbox live, you can upload these pics to PGR3 homepage where you can download them to your computer and share with friends and family. Hell, a contest took place not long ago which consisted on the best picture taken (there were different categories, of course). The picture on the right won the best car photo category.

Another extra is the ability to create your own routes, which enables a new challenge if you are a hardcore gamer and know all the tracks even when blind-folded. You can also tune-in the 'Heroes Channel' on Gotham TV and watch some of the best races on xbox live. You receive information on your world rank at the end of each solo career, depending on how many Kudos you earned during the race. Kudos are points you receive for performing various 'stunts' while racing, like drifting, drafting, power braking, use of the e-brake, two wheels on the air, four wheel on the air, and many more.

On the other side you not only race against other cars, you have to pass tests on velocity, speed, skill which breaks the monotonous ring of racing games.

I love this game, but i cannot wait until Forza Motorsport 2 is released. I'll tell you about this game later, much later.