Sep 27, 2008

Phase 2.2

I just finished installing the AUX cable bought at a dealer in Mexico City, Samurai, located in Av. Universidad. The price of this cable in the US is around $13 bucks and I found it just over $450 pesos (that's about $40 US dlls).

It was expensive but hey, did I have another choice? The installation was a breeze after following these instructions. So, if you, me dear IR, have an GT Eclipse 2006 or a Galant with a 6-CD stereo, and you're dying to hear your MP3 player through your RF speakers, you better get this cable. It wont take more than 20 mins and no experience whatsoever. Only be careful and have all the right tools with you at the time (screwdriver (cross) and a sharp knife).

CH33RS and RoCK oN!!!

Sep 25, 2008

THeRe & BaCK aGaiN

This weekend ends my stay at Mexico City and I leave behind -but bring them with me- memories of my stay in this magnificent city.

Plenty of things happened. I made new great friends, a broken heart (which in the end I realized was a broken ego), had a secret crush and my best friend returned to her family in MxCy and spent a wonderful time with her while I stayed here.

I will never forget my tours to La Comandancia, where most of this friends will stay. DDT, the best live-rock band at the bar played many songs unkown to me but that I will remember for the rest of my life everytime I listen to them. I don't want to name names out of fear of forgetting someone, but they know who they are!

Thank you all for making my stay in Mexico City a great experience I will never forget!

Sep 22, 2008

As Time Goes By...

Since humanity had the ability to reason, we have tried to establish an order to things in order to have the illusion we posess some control.

Time does exist but does it? Time is just a word, a human concept that we created. The past and the future have never existed, there's only Present, there is only NOW.

Calendars and watches and planners are tools that we use to manage our daily lives but we cannot control time because it's just a concept. There will never be a time travel machine for the simple fact that if you do, you will change everything in the NOW. You cannot travel to the past and definitively not to the future.

Sep 8, 2008

Huoratron - $$ Troopers

Huoratron - $$ Troopers from New Judas on Vimeo.


Remember Agent Smith and how he described humanity? Well, I share that feeling. Don't get me wrong, I believe humanity has a lot of potential but, sadly, it is all utopia.

Humanity has not yet come to understand that this planet is ALL WE HAVE. We really are parasites, as this cute animation explicitly mentions it:

Iron Man, Spider Man and Hulk Animation

Since the last Iron Man movie, I have started to like this character more. I'm no fan of the Spider-man flix, they're too cheesy for my taste and the last Hulk movie did better than the first one.

This animation, fan-made or not, is pretty worth watching...

Sep 6, 2008

THiS iS YouR LiFe...

THIS is your life,
good to the last drop,
doesn't get any better than this.

This IS your life,
and it's ending,
ONE minute at a time.

This isn't a seminar...
This is no weekend retreat...

Where you are now,
you can't even imagine what the BOTTOM will be like.

Only after DISASTER,
can we be RESURRECTED.
It's only after you've lost EVERYTHING,
that you are free to do ANYTHING.

Nothing is static
Everything is evolving
Everything is falling apart

This is your life
it doesn't get any better than this
and its ending one minute at a time

You are NOT a beautiful and UNIQUE snowflake
You are the SAME decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all-singing, all-dancing CRAP of the world

YOU are not your bank account
You ARE NOT the clothes you wear
You are not the CONTENTS of your wallet

You are not your bowel cancer
You are not your grand latte
You are not the car you drive
You are not your fucking khakis

You have to give up...

You have to realize that someday YOU WILL DIE
Until you know that, you are USELESS.

I say: Let me never be complete!
I say: May I never be content!
I say: Deliver me from Swedish furniture!
I say: Deliver me from clever art!
I say: Deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth!

I say: YOU have to give up!
I say: EVOLVE and let the chips fall where they may!

doesn't get any better than this
and its ending

Sep 3, 2008


If a God does exist,
and intelligent alien life forms do as well,
and if they believe in a God, will "He" be the same as ours?

Do they have their Alien Christ?
or an Alien Buddha?

*Alien Christ first conceived by Said