Dec 28, 2006

Un Mustang muy Italiano

El Mustang que hace poco hizo su aparición en el Autoshow de Los Angeles en el presnte año (2006) fue diseñado por Italdesign liderados por Fabrizio Giugiaro. Me gustaron mucho sus líneas, me recuerdan a un serie 6 y un Vantage por la forma, con rasgos de muscle car clásico y toques italianos como las calaveras y las puertas. El interior, digamos que me gusto el tablero, no es muy diferente al actual, el parabrisas que se extiende hasta atrás es impresionante; sin embargo lo que no me gusto nada nada fueron los "inserts" de pelo de caballo en los asientos y detalles de las puertas, aunque leí que, de sacarse en producción, sería un extra al carro.

Veremos, pues, el posible nuevo mustang, den click en la imagen para llevarlos al album de fotos:
Las fotos las saque de está página, por si les interesa leer el review.

Dec 27, 2006

Dime con quién te juntas....

Dos buenos camaradas de hace ya tiempo:

Martín y Derick, respectivamente...

Ghosts of Onyx

Damn!!! This book is really awesome! I just finished reading it last night and I must tell you: I was glued to the book and even though I was very sleepy i just couldn't take my eyes off the pages until every letter concerning the story imprinted themselves into my brain. I must say I found several spelling errors, more than the usual found in other books, but the story went so fast I barely had the time to digest every word, instead I modelled every situation, every battle, either in space or at the ground to the detail.

"Die?" Kurt laughed. "Didn't you know?" He told the Elite."...Spartans never die."

Kurt was a Spartan-II characterized by the fact that he had something like a 6th sense that told him something was wrong. Something like a hunch but one the Master Chief learned to pay heed to, for every time it ringed true. Kurt became the LC (Lieutenant Commander) for the secret project of Spartan-III. In a matter of speaking, Kurt was the more humanized of the Spartan-II.

Great book, I can't wait for the next one. I hope it's out by the time I go to Houston for Dir en Grey's concert.

Dec 26, 2006


Blur of brown, my fear,
wild and careless, running mad,
Almost ripped my heart.

Este haiku es en recuerdo a un suceso que pudo, pues estuvo muy cerca de suceder, haberme cambiado la vida de una manera que no me gustaría averiguar nunca. En un cruce, Garza Sada y Sendero Sur hacia las Torres, un idiota en una camioneta café no frenó en su rojo. Solamente escuché a GVS decir "aguas!" y sin pensarlo pisé el freno a fondo, cuando derrepente cruzo frente a mi este pedazo de mierda. De no haber frenado, el golpe lo hubiera recibido el lado de Giovana y doy gracias por haber reaccionado justo a tiempo.

Dec 24, 2006

Feliz Navidad

Esta es una época para agradecer lo que tenemos, la familia que nos tocó y las amistades que nos brindan su confianza. Por este medio quiero agradecer a todas las personas que estimo, desearles lo mejor y decirles que en mi tienen un verdadero amigo.

Esta es la primera navidad que paso sin Giovis y me hace mucha falta, va a pasar año nuevo también por alla y regresa el 4 de Enero. Cuatro días y parece ya una eternidad.

Felices Fiestas!!!

Dec 23, 2006

UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied

These objects have always fascinated me, watching them and wondering who are piloting them, are they "manned" object or drones remote controlled from afar? I have been witness, along with my dad, to a situation that was truly weird. It was something i had not seen before, and i know there are a million things that i have never seen but these things, and the formation they were arranged in and the speed they were travelling in, was something i thought was out of this world. I cannot deny these were alien spacecraft as they could be secret human aircraft. I mean, who knows what the belic nations have between their hads, keeping them secret.

People wonder: "If they (more advanced alien civilizations) exist, how come they don't come and expose themselves to us?" Come on!! If you find a species that have developed a technology to kill other members of their race. A race who is extremely xenophobic, who have made clear that whatever comes in contact with us will be considered a threat?

To them we're no more than chimpanzees fighting with sticks and stones, will you give them the technology to make a gun? Of course not!! They may not be afraid of us, they surely pity us because we are a race who is digging thier own grave. They will not come, and surely will make no contact with us, until we have eliminated every thought of war, killing, greed and begin to help every other person out. Develop technology for peace instead of war.

They are studying us in our own habitat. It is general knowledge that to study an animal (yes people, we're animals, we're not vegetables, are we?) you must not alter their habitat and keep a distance so they can act natural. Of course there have been scientist that have fallen victim to lions, hippos, etc., so are they.

But enough of this, this is just my honest opinion, i just wanted to share with you some videos i found on youtube, i watched the first one and i found it interesting. Feel free to watch them. Enjoy.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Dec 22, 2006


Bueno, esto me llego a mi cuenta de, la neta no se cuando. el punto es que, algunos ya sabían, otros lo suponíamos, pero ya llegó la confirmación al rumor que tiene al mundo detenido y hundido en la depresión suicida. Y ahora ¿quién podrá defendernos? No es como que la liga de la justicia, pero pues si se siente gacho que dejen de , pues de hacer música; como elfonía, pues Stream of Passion sigue, o no?

Hola a todos,
En los últimos cinco años trabajando con Elfonía hemos vivido tantas cosas: experiencias inolvidables, momentos divertidos, montones de retos, situaciones difíciles. Esta banda nos vio a todos crecer como músicos e intérpretes, cosa de la que estamos muy orgullosos. Ha sido un honor y un placer contar con el apoyo de nuestros fans y seres queridos; ¡les estaremos por siempre agradecidos!

Algunos de ustedes pueden ya haberlo adivinado, pero desde hace tiempo Elfonía está en receso... Aún no hemos tomado la decisión si esta ruptura será definitiva o no, pero por lo pronto no tenemos planes de seguir escribiendo canciones ni presentarnos en vivo. Cada uno de nosotros se está concentrando en proyectos diferentes, tomando caminos diferentes.

Una vez más mil gracias a todos por su apoyo incondicional. Esperamos que el futuro traiga lo mejor para todos.



Absinthe fire burns,
Consuming their love away,
Ashes, my remains.

Dec 20, 2006

Kiss Me Kill Me Love Me

In case you're wondering who the hell is Dir.en.greY, I will give you a video of a song of them i LOVE. Not all of their songs are so straightforward, as they handle a wide rang of styles. This one represents the power i feel everytime i listen to this song.

Song: Child Prey
Artist: Dir en Grey

Dec 19, 2006


GVS y yo fuimos a una posada este sábado pasado (9 de Diciembre) de un amigo de ella, Jorge Chaires. En ésta nos tomaron una foto que me gustó mucho. Aunque no tomé nada porque estaba enfermo y con eso de las megamultas, me la pasé muy bien.

Dec 18, 2006


The dark became Light,
Disrobed from the velvet Night,
Naked milky White.

Dec 14, 2006


There she was, waiting
Her ravendark hair, flowing
Memories untold

Dir en Grey @ Houston

Finally, one of my favorite groups is coming to play "near" me. I say "near" because the concert will be taking place at Houston, in a club named the Meridian. This group, named Dir en Grey, is a japanese metal band and is getting the attention of non-asian listeners, quite good i must say. They have toured on the Family Values Tour and on other festivals in Europe along with groups like Korn, Rage Against the Machine, etc. You can find more info on the group at the official site and on Last.FM. I have already bought the tickets for the show (i'm so excited!!!) and now am looking for a hotel reservation and flight tickets!!

I can't F.Ck:Ng wait!!

Here you can check somthing about the group at Last.FM and at the Official Site.

Dec 13, 2006

The Killers Concert

Eventhough I don't really like this type of music, this group is really something. I only knew some of the chorus, but i have their albums in my Zune, so i could, at least, recognize them.

Great Concert!

Dec 8, 2006

aLLeGeD "WeB SeCuRiTY"

Yes, I'm pretty sure blogspot/ is a sex/acts entry. This is getting ridiculous, very ridiculous. At the beginning of this nonsense, i could not blog anymore, at least i could see who wrote some comments. Now, i can't even see it. Nice. What's next? i will no be able to google?

Nov 28, 2006

TRieD & TRue

I have been using the Zune player for a little more than a week and honestly i haven't used that much an iPod, though i find it easy and not that hard to use as other reviewers claim. It is NOT an iPod, or an iPod killer as many claim. The iPod, as i have said before, is already too rooted in the market and, what? 5 years of experience which make it a tough adversary. MS's objective is not to dethrone the ipod, but to take a bite off the market.

There has been harsh criticism over the zune solely for the mere fact that is MS made. There was even one reviewer that admitted having NOT used one and described how and why the zune will fail. I mean, i'm not a MS fanboy, i know the OS could be better, i hate about the monopoly stance they have, actually, i hate plenty of things they do and am joyful when google or some other company manages to outbest a product MS is in.

I searched around for the mp3 player for me and my choice was the Creative Zen Micro Photo, which is an amazing little player I must say. But after a friend of mine told me the rumour MS was designing it's own mp3 player i was determined to see it it was true. After all I was really happy with the recently acquired xbox 360. Some time later I bought it and have to say it is really good at what it does. I have found things that I don't like but hey, nobody's perfect.

Nov 16, 2006

D e a T H v s B L a C K

Originally I was going to write about What is that which makes music become 'pop' music, but after a hot debate (it wasn't that hot, it wasn't even a debate really) with a friend about what groups were black metal, which were symphonic black metal from those of Death metal and it's sub genres. According to what I read on Wikipedia (which IMHO is a valuable source of information, i can discuss this later) and to what i could get a grasp on and my ability to describe it is the following:

D e a T H M e T a L

What is death metal? Well, putting it simple: it's theme is based on death, this means it's lyrics are based on death, how it feels, killing somebody else, war, famine, disease, anything that leads to death. Classic examples of this genre are Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Carcass. Of course there is also a musical structure around it, which differs greatly from Black Metal. The use of aggressive/brutal riffs, fast paced drums and guttural grunts are a signature of this genre. I guess i will cite wikipedia as I may distort the meaning.

Death metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal that evolved out of thrash metal during the early 1980s. Commonly recognized characteristics include usually violent or dark lyrics which focus on death as a nihilistic metaphor (although lately more philosophy-based lyrics, such as those of later Death have become popular as well), chromatic progressions and a narrative or "story telling" song structure such that there is not a verse-chorus cycle as much as an ongoing development of themes and motifs. It is usually identified by downtuned rhythm guitars, fast percussion, and dynamic intensity. "Blast beats" are frequently used to add to the ferocity of the modern music. The vocals are commonly low gurgles named death grunt, growl, or death growl. This kind of vocalising is distorted by use of the throat and guts, unlike traditional singing techniques which discourages this technique.

If you are interested in learning more about this genre, check this article out.

B L a C K M e T a L

I will not waste any more of your precious time and move on onto the article:

Black metal started in the early 1980s with bands such as Venom, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, and Hellhammer. The second wave of black metal, an essentially Scandinavian movement, started in the late 1980s and early 1990s, primarily in Norway. Black metal has gathered intense criticism from many sectors of society, for its brutal aesthetic, its misanthropic spirit, and the extreme right wing ideologies displayed by some musicians working in the National Socialist Black Metal subgenre. However, at the same time it experienced a meteoric rise in popularity among metal fans during the 1990s.

Black metal can display, but is not limited to, the following characteristics:


  • Fast guitars with alternate or tremolo picking
  • Standard tuned guitars (In contrast to death metal which is typically tuned down.)
  • Relatively thin guitar sound or relatively thick guitar sound—usually not in the middle.


  • Double bass, blast beat, and D-beat drumming
  • Fast, repetitive, aggressive drums, often with blast beats. At other times, the drums can take a slower role usually accompanied by a very dry and empty tone — especially for the effect of the atmosphere of the music. On occasion, some groups such as Burzum and Xasthur will dispense with drums altogether in certain song segments.

Lyrics and vocals

  • A distinct "rasped" vocal style, a very guttural rasp, which is reminiscent of a torture. This is basically standard in every black metal, though there are exceptions, such as Primordial, who are still classed black metal without the rasp vocal. Some bands, particularly symphonic black metal bands, incorporate clean vocals, usually of a male choir sound, though this is used for atmospheric purposes.
  • Lyrics that often take the form of Satanic, Pagan, or occult themes which blaspheme Christianity.
  • Lyrics that celebrate the cold, darkness, forests, and other natural surroundings of northern European countries, reflecting modern black metal's origins in Scandinavia.
  • Increasingly lyrics are being penned with themes of war, misanthropy, and desolation, sometimes apocalyptic, whose causes are rooted in human nature and actions. However, there are some exceptions (although they usually incorporate these previous themes as well).
  • Lyrics are commonly inspired by fantasy, in particular the works of Tolkien set in Middle Earth. For example, the Austrian band Summoning focuses almost exclusively on Middle Earth for their themes and content. Other bands create their own fictional realms, for instance the lyrics of Immortal depict an imaginary kingdom called Blashyrkh (Blash-eerk), which is ruled by a raven king named Ravendark.

Atmospheric and structural elements

  • Unconventional song structures that are devoid of verse and chorus segments, and contain extended and repetitive instrumental passages, with less use of vocals than other styles of metal.
  • Less focus on dynamic rhythm than death metal. Very few black metal bands exhibit the rhythmic complexity inherent in death metal, and even if they do, they usually exhibit at least a few of the above-listed criteria if they are still generally classified as black metal.
  • Occasional electronic keyboard use. The harpsichord, violin, organ, and choir settings are most common, which gives the music an orchestral feel or a cathedral-like setting. Some bands tend to use keyboards very frequently, whether it be as an instrument or even as the basis of their entire sound. They are generally placed under the symphonic black metal label.
  • Certain bands have taken to recording with full symphony orchestras, but these bands are regarded by more austere black metal fans as not being 'true', i.e. Dimmu Borgir (however this has nothing to do with the use of the orchestra but how the band now conduct themselves seemingly out of the black metal genre).
  • Limited production used intentionally as a statement against mainstream music and/or to reflect the mood of the music by creating a certain atmosphere. This 'underproduced' effect is often achieved by cutting out low and high frequencies, leaving just the mid frequency range. It is often said that this was due to a low budget, but this often wasn't the case. This production style is often considered an essential element of "true" black metal. See Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger album, a highly influential example of this production style.


  • Cold, dark, sad, melancholy, reflective, tragic, meditative, or gloomy atmosphere.
  • Many black metal musicians adopt a "neo-medieval" costume style that may include leather, spikes, bondage gear, "archaic" armor and weaponry, and facial corpse paint.
  • Many black metal musicians choose to adopt stage names, typically patterned after occult and/or fantasy characters; however, this practice is not universal.

The complete article can be found here . A list of Black Metal bands can be found here, in which Cradle of Filth and Dimmu borgir are listed, this was the beginning of the discussion with my friend, as to whether CoF and DB were Black or Death.

Nov 3, 2006

100% aCTiTuD

¿Qué es lo que hace a un ser humano decir una cosa y hacer otra totalmente distinta? Bueno, si se pudiera llamar ser humano desde el principio. Esta es la historia de un niño barbón, medio grumpy que, dice la leyenda naufragó en una isla del caribe (rumores afirman que se fue en avión a luchar contras las fuerzas malvadas de greenpeace) y fue acogido por los aborígenes qu le dieron chamba de Asistente de Supervisor (o algo por el estilo) y construyendo hoteles pa los europeos y famosos de Hollywood. Tuvo un pequeño incidente con un local, de buenas que no le hicieron vudu; al igual y si, pero este pinche Diablo no le hacen nada. Por ahí se dice que la argolla que trae en la ceja se la arrebató al mismo demonio una fria noche de Invierno y que le confiere poderes ..... divinos no, maléficos.

Total, este we, hace mucho, me platicó que ya está hasta la madre de la pinche isla pero luego veo estas cosas y me imagino que no todo lo que dice es cierto: pinche mentiroso, como siempre cabron!

No se crea, mamalón que se la esté pasando chido, neta me dan ganas de ir a visitarlo y ver que pedo con las islillas, espero me invite un día y me largo un fin de semana. ¿Habrá tiburones? Neta me valen madre, los atardeceres estan más chingones.

Saludos Carnal!

En otras noticias, ayer gané por tercera vez consecutiva y legalmente en Texas Hold'em. ¿Propondré aumentar el in?

Nov 1, 2006

Coming ZUNE !!

I want a ZUNE!! But, what is a zune you may ask avid reader. It is the 'new' (don't know why they call it like that, M$ haven't had mp3 players that I know of) mp3 player from Micro$oft, in an effort to have a share on the mobile entertainment market. I really don't think that they will dethrone the iPod, in short, it is not an iPod-killer; the iPod is too rooted already to be taken out. You just have to see the iPod-ready cars, iPod-ready coffee machines to know that this phenomena will not go away very soon. What i DO hope is that this is the beginning of a new era in mobile entertainment.

The only player i have had was a cd mp3 player, which was cool, but a heavy, battery-sucker cd walkman. I considered for a while getting a Creative Zen, which played video, pictures, i think i had an FM tuner and a voice recorder. But i found out about the Zune by a friend who told me that M$ was in the process on developing this gadget.

Why not get an iPod and let go right? 'Cause I loath iTunes. Simple as that, I hate the fact that i have to use iTunes so i can make playlists, and let me tell you I have a HUGE library. I use Windows media player and there will be a player for the Zune, the zune marketplace which is similar to WMP 11, if not merged to it. For a fee you can suscribe to an 'all you can eat' membership. It will have Wi-fi, so you can share mp3's to other zunes and xbox 360 connectivity. One doubt i have is the way someone will scroll through the library. Release date is set for this November 14, just 7 days (i guess) after Emergence Day (the day Gears of War comes out).

Anyway, there is a lot of stuff out there on the Zune: the ComingZune page, the official Zune page, a blog, a virtual pressroom. So check it out.

This is a video showing the GUI the Zune will use, and the video playing as well.

And this one shows a commercial being broadcasted over the US about the ZUNE, cool.

And my favorite video, the Fiery Sharing Birds:

Cheers to all of you Zune fans.

Halo Movie??

A week ago i heard about Universal and 20th dropping out from the Halo project, allegedly becuse of the HUUUGE amount of money being spent in pre-production. They (the studios) wanted Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh (the masterminds behind the Lord of the Rings) to lower their demand$$. Anyway the said no and this left no choice for the studios other than running with their money as far as they could.

This, apparently, came as good news for
Bungie, Microsoft and Peter Jackson as this would let the make a movie without Hollywood Intervention. Of course, they still need the money, which Peter is trying to get and as of this the movie is postponed for release (nooooo!!!!!) till summer 2008.

"At this time Microsoft, Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh
have mutually agreed to postpone making a feature film based on the Halo video
game. While it will undoubtedly take a little longer for Halo to reach the big
screen, we are confident that the final feature film will be well worth the
Let's see if this is done while we are still young.

Oct 27, 2006

Bossless Friday

Today, just 6 people left alone at the office of a normal 'population' of 30 (aproximately). We had a great time, took some pictures as "someone else". I'll check back on this to post some pics (evidence is we are ever caught).


Oct 23, 2006


I was not at home this weekend. I went to Mexico city with my girlfriend to the Robbie Williams Concert this past Sunday October 22nd. Let me tell you that I'm not into pop music (and you can check on this by going here). Anyway, two words: Awesome concert. My girlfriend was very happy about going and enjoyed the show. apparently it was the first concert to be broadcasted live through the internet and through Sky. I don't know if it was transmitted only in south america or on a global aspect. I'll see if I can get some pics to post here.

Anyway, great show, great trip and i LOVE my girlfriend's family, they ROCK!

Oct 20, 2006


Primero que nada, déjeme saludarlo, estimado LD. Han pasado varios días ya desde mi último blog y han sucedido cosas muy interesantes últimamente. Por un lado personales y por otro lado en el ámbito profesional. Creo yo que primero abordaré el tema personal para finalizar con las "nuevas" laborales. Muy bien, lo acepto, caí redondito en las garras de World of Warcraft, mejor conocido como WoW en los círculos de los gamers (y/o geeks, que para muchos es lo mismo), pero hace no mucho logré salir. La verdad está conmadre el juego, pero por el momento no dispongo del tiempo necesario para desquitar los $15 dlls mensuales que cuesta la mensualidad. Vaya! Entre 'jugada' y 'jugada' pasaban entre 15 y 20 días. No fue mucho el tiempo y dinero desperdiciado, pero si el suficiente como para darme cuenta que no valía la pena conservar la membresía. a pesar de esto tomé varios 'screenshots' para recordarme cómo era jugarlo y, tal vez, regresar algún día.

Pasando a otras cosas, en la empresa en la que laboro se han vuelto demasiado paranoicos. El caso fue hubo varias bajas en la empresa (como en todas) y alguien que quedo muy enojado envió un correo donde se mencionaban muchas cosas digamos no muy buenas para la empresa y donde se nos alertaba a los empleados de esta empresa a poner atención porq nos harían lo mismo sin tocarse el corazón. Entre otras cosas se quejaba de una persona en especial y al parecer existieron dos versiones del correo:

  1. Uno de los correos que llegaron contenía solamente el texto donde se nos 'alertaba' de alguna injusticia.
  2. El otro correo contenía lo mismo, pero con un 'history' de correos que aparentemente se movieron solamente en estratos altos de la compañía y un archivo adjunto con información salarial.
Esta persona que nos alertaba de alguna injusticia (si mal no recuerdo el correo era algo así: solamente la cagó. Digo, nosotros que culpa tenemos de que lo hayan corrido, y si que se enoje y todo, pero no se ha de haber percatado de las consecuencias de sus actos. En estos momentos, el acceso a internet está mucho más restringido. Se bloquearon los servicios de IM y el acceso a correos gratuitos (Hotmail, gmail, yahoo), y no sólo esto sino que no podemos recibir correos de alguna de estos proveedores de cuentas de correo.

Por lo que se, esta es la segunda vez que pasa, y en lugar de estar chingando a la gente de adentro, necesitan tener un sistema para evitar intrusiones en sus servidores de esta manera y no pasar a traernos a los demás que ni vela en ese entrierro tuvimos.

Sep 24, 2006


Very well, i have been playing of lately Project Gotham Racing 3 which is a racing simulator for the Xbox 360. A simulator consists of, as its name implies, simulate the physics of real cars. One thing I was amazed at was the graphic part of the game. The sound effects are awesome as well as the vast car collection.

This game if filled with features that make thi
s game one of the best racing games out there. For one, you can take photos of your cars as you race, in a saved replay or in your garage. The picture is saved in the xbox 360 memory device and, if you're connected on xbox live, you can upload these pics to PGR3 homepage where you can download them to your computer and share with friends and family. Hell, a contest took place not long ago which consisted on the best picture taken (there were different categories, of course). The picture on the right won the best car photo category.

Another extra is the ability to create your own routes, which enables a new challenge if you are a hardcore gamer and know all the tracks even when blind-folded. You can also tune-in the 'Heroes Channel' on Gotham TV and watch some of the best races on xbox live. You receive information on your world rank at the end of each solo career, depending on how many Kudos you earned during the race. Kudos are points you receive for performing various 'stunts' while racing, like drifting, drafting, power braking, use of the e-brake, two wheels on the air, four wheel on the air, and many more.

On the other side you not only race against other cars, you have to pass tests on velocity, speed, skill which breaks the monotonous ring of racing games.

I love this game, but i cannot wait until Forza Motorsport 2 is released. I'll tell you about this game later, much later.

May 11, 2006


OK OK. it's been a while i know. been busy at work and other shit as well. Taking the road i left in the last blog, it's been almost two months now since i began working at Escala. Loads of work, administration stuff, but am happy with it. This is a major step in my professional career indeed.

Ok, now back at the topic. Dragons, what can i say about them. I'm no expert in terminology, nor i know EVERYTHING there is to know either. One thing im certain of: I looooove dragons. Mystical creatures they are. And they appear in almost every culture, and in ancient ones more often, though they were named differently.

Dragons are often pictured as evil, possesing a vast wisdom superior by far than our own. SOmetimes thay are represented as savage animals with extraordinaire abilities that make them almost invulnerable to common means of slaughter. Sometimes they are of divine status. Anyway they are known by, dragons are mythical creatures that amaze me, oriental as well as occidental.

I should write some more, but morpheus is forcing me into his world..... maybe some other time i will continue this yada yada.

Mar 16, 2006


Ok now, my dear IR, it's been a while since i have written anything. I've been busy finding a new job, and finally i have got it. After searching for a new -fulfilling- job, in which my work could be appreciated, my full potential exploited and professional growth could be achieved, finally, i was hired in Escala. This company is a pretty respectable Project Management company in northern Mexico and am very happy with this change in my life.

Mar 3, 2006

Let's get a little complicated...

So this week have been reeaaaaally tiresome. I've never spent that much in gasoline, i have never worked 8 hrs in a row, just to look for a better job. Anyway, gotta keep surviving, right? My dear imaginary reader, i have not been able to update this thing more often that i would like, for the simple fact that my computer, or may i say the case, had a false contact (i really don't know if this means the same in english as it does in spanish, anyway) in the On button. I found out at about 4 am when i woke up and saw my computer, as if possesed by some kind of technological demon ( i believe it's name is Billzebuub), turned on and off automatically.

The case is really cool, if you happen to be deciding to buy a Cooler Mastes case, buy them, they kick a$$. But before i say wonders about CM, i shall wait 1 week, and hear what does the CM provider has to say, ok?

In other stuff, one of my best friends is gone to Turks & Caicos Islands. He's working there, as a manwhore. He heard about foreigners paying big money for mexican pretty boys.... he's not pretty but he's mexican. anyway, he's an Architect, and he recently was hired to supervise the construction of this touristic complex. And they are working his ass off but, ma, i would do the same if at the end of the day i had a glimpse of the caribean like that in the photo. He's publishing some pic's here, but if you don't know him, maybe u will not know the password

Anyway, i'll be back (i hope) for some updates today.

Feb 23, 2006


Everything changes, when you least expect it. Everything remains, against your will. Welcome to my recollection of fears, tragedies, misfortunes and joys.