Jun 29, 2008

LoVe 5ToRY #6

How long can someone last in a place his/her heart is so diligent to abandon not in cowardice but of fear.

The fear of missing the opportunity to be with the person you love and Time not being an ally.

The fear of the metamorphosis of everyday-dreams into nightmares of incomplete desires erasing, little by little, traces of hope, clouding reason with doubts.

The fear of not being able to say "I love you" to a person that pulls all the strings within you. Preferring to stay as a friend
rather giving up the rest of the time with her to the emptiness of selfishness.

Time heals the wounds but Time also cuts the soul as precious time is consumed in vain because you are in a place your heart is so diligent to abandon.

Jun 20, 2008


I have always wondered whether the statement of some people to have psychic abilities. I cannot deny that I am attracted to the idea of hidden, or dormant, powers of a brain which is supposed is being used only 3% (it may be 10%, w/e) tops. I believe plenty of these "psychics" are charlatans but I still think it could be the most awesome power you could posses. If you, my dear IR, don't know what psychic abilities exist, here's a list:
  1. Psychokinesis, a.k.a. as PK (or telekinesis), is the ability to force an object to move through the power of the mind. This ability, IMO, is one of the best as not only you could move objects, but if you could control movement in an atomic scale, you could freeze or burn things with a thought. You can even produce a tiny ball of light when the lights go out ;)
  2. Clairvoyance, the ability to see either beyond or past and future.
  3. Empathy is the ability to sense other people's emotions
  4. Telepathy, communication between minds.
  5. Manipulation, which is the creation of Psi Constructs.
If you are interested in this kind of stuff, I invite you to visit PsiPog.net. There are plenty of articles that teach you how to's and so on, including media (videos and photos). I, for once, will begin studying this in my free time. Hopefully I'll send the update to your mind through RSS very soon.

Jun 18, 2008

My Moons

Two ethereal moons dancing
above me, different shades of pale
contrasted them, unfocused and dim.

Both are leaving for a better world
beyond, almost at once they're about to disappear
forever, once outshining Sol.

Both I loved and lost leaving only
a memory, that still as fresh as it is,
haunts me every night at dreams.

Fearing them fading away, leaving
only darkness behind...

Jun 14, 2008

Phase 2.1

As of today, I begun Phase 2.0 (being 1.0 the factory design). I just installed the new black projector headlights on Leonor, and I must say this: she looks SeXy!!!! I love the halos and the two LED's on the upper part of the headlight. Also the projector headlight really does a good job while driving at night. Another good thing, besides the fact that this differentiates Leonor from other Eclipses, is that it gives her a darker more aggressive style. eDiT: Here you can see how she looked before, so you can see the changes.

In fact, the new look reminds me a lot of Prototype E, in which the Eclipse was based.


Jun 11, 2008


NAWLZ is an interactive graphic novel by artist Sutu. It's quite different from what I've seen before and will surely watch it once I'm at home and LuCiD. Right now, 6 episodes have been released and let me tell you, it's quite a trip from what I've "read" in the first chapter.


Real Unicorn

A unicorn baby has been spotted in a nature preserve in Italy. This is not the fabled unicorn but a deer born with a genetic flaw as it's twin was born with the usual two horns. Though it's rare to see one horned deer, this is the first time a centered-one-horned deer is seen. Unicorn, as it's been called, was born a year ago near Florence, Italy.

Source: Discovery News

WeLCoMe To TeH DaRK SiDe

This game will rock. I assure you, if this Force thingy was real and I had it, I would be a Sith, no doubt [plus, they have cookies].

Jun 8, 2008


Well, I would like to talk to someone in special but since I can't I shall speak to you, my IR. Before I head to watch for the fifth time LotR I would like to say something about Enterprise (the latest Star Trek saga) and the way humans behave. This will sound too geeky but I care not about people's destructive criticism anyway.

I have read pretty much 95% (I still have 1/3 of the latest novel to go at this time) of all Halo novels out there and I believe not-so-friendly civilizations could be out there or Planets could look harmless at first contact and to be sure there should be a number of "protocols" to follow in such cases. The protocols could be sending robotic probes for a couple of days to examine the atmosphere and run a scan on weather behavior, on fauna (predators, poisonous, viruses and the likes) and flora (venomous pollen, plants). And no matter what, you don't send your homeworld's location in a message to a ship that does not respond to your hails.

These things are logical if you cannot know the alignment of beings you're making first contact with, don't they? Well, these things are not done by Cap. Archer of the starship Enterprise even if his second in command (a female vulcan by the name of T'Pol played by actress and major babe Jolene Blalock) advises him otherwise. I believe a Captain should be aware of the dangers of space exploration and should assess the possibilities of getting his crew members in jeopardy.

So you know, if you don't follow Star Trek much (I must admit this is my second try at watching a ST series in my life (the first one was Sar Trek: The Second Generation with C
ap. Jean-Luc Piccard.... mmh, I like the name Jean-Luc by the way) but couldn't keep up as my mother grew tired of it and never watched it again (I must say that I had no power over the remote control those days ^_^). Okay, about Vulcans: I believe they were the first humanoid aliens we humans met with. They are a very logical race and can control their emotions as they believe emotions can cloud your judgment. This results in a very serious (and almost obnoxious in a way) and in a way emotionless person, or vulcan in this matter. So T'Pol is always taking serious and is not afraid (remember? no emotions) to say what's on her head as she is confident she is thinking in a logical way. She analyzes every situation but has committed some mistakes, and she has been aware of that. Logically she learns from mistakes. So I would listen to T'Pol's suggestions more often If I was Cap. Archer.

So this was todays LuCiD WRiTiNG, thanx for reading and see you next time my dear IR, t'was a blast speaking to you....

Before I go, I will treat your eyes with some Jolene Blalock candy. Enjoy...

Jun 5, 2008

eTHeReaL RóS

I don't remember the time I was given knowledge of the existence of an Icelandic group that goes by the name Sigur Rós (which means Victory Rose and is also Jónsi Birgisson's sister, who was born the same day the band was formed).

I must admit that, given my metal background, I found their music hard to digest because it was nothing like I had heard before. One time, when I was thinking by myself (those lucid moments I use to have) I was playing all my music collection at random when suddenly, 'Svenf-g-englar' comes up and in my stupor I begun to relax and I actually felt different. I liked it alot so I went to my PC to see the group's name and what song was playing. To my surprise it was Sigur Rós, a group I was thinking of removing from my collection because I couldn't assimilate their music.

Sigur Rós' music is ethereal, as if it was created and sung by angels. They manage to combine different feelings within the same song and at the same time. 'Olsen Olsen' for example, fills me with happiness and at the same time I feel nostalgic, so I feel happy and sad at the same time. I don't know if this happens to everyone but this music really pulls some emotional strings in me.

Well, this is one of my favorite songs by Sigur Rós, the first I ever 'listened' to carefully and the video is... well, if you wish, you can leave a comment.
