May 31, 2008

So You THiNK You CaN DaNCe¿¿

This is Robert Muraines and I must say, I'm no fan of dancing but this...... this, ladies and gentlemen just AWeD me...

Let me know what you think...

May 30, 2008

Stonehenge a Burial Site?

A group of archeologists recently found out that Stonehenge was a burial site, 500 years prior to the first megaliths being erected in 2,500 BC. This discovery sheds some light over this mysterious man-made formation, which is said to be a place of healing and/or a place to honor the dead. So the recent discovery will corroborate the part of honoring the dead.

I don't think that this is the sole purpose of this "sanctuary". I don't believe that 4,500 years ago, people would go on such lenghts to carry stones weighting around 4 tons from miles (160 aprox-250 km) away juts for a burial site. Anyway, I believe there is more to these stone circles than meets the eyes, or maybe not.

May 24, 2008


I usually do not draw anything evil/dark in relation with Luna but this image popped in my head while listening to Moonspell's 'Capricorn at Her Feet'. Anyway, here's the sketch, I will edit this in my spare time and I'll show you how it comes out, k? CHeeRS!!!

Might make an interesting tattoo, don't you think my dear IR?

May 21, 2008

Lady in White

Hovering above the misty hills,
Shadows playing behind Luna's gaze.
The silvery mountains nobody sees,
Arrange and form a ghostly-blue maze.

A Lady in white follows through,
Wandering endlessly, only searching.
For at the end of the road she looks,
A Love that can fill the emptiness within.

May 14, 2008

No NeeD To RuSH

I just had a waking moment not long ago. I think I just "woke" up on life, a life that I thought was mine but actually was clouding me like a rock underneath a muddy river. I was spreading myself over too many stressful experiences and they just became the world to me.

That stress became the only thing in my life that I felt meaningful. It was like, I liked to feel like that, because actually I was deliberately causing them. I was writing my own and personal "Tragicomedia" (I will not waste time searching the real world for that, so don't judge me (as if I cared HA!)).

I honestly thought that people I met was thinking negatively of me previous the actual meeting; this "reality" made me feel very alone and the only thing that "held me up" was people that I had known for such a long time. Of course my friends (which I've known since I began highschool) are very precious to me but in reality, out there in the world are a million more friends, don't they? Of course you cannot "coincide" with all of them, but there is plenty of people that have at least two things in common (that's the legal minimum). Of course it's easier for men to have more male friends, CARS and GIRLS are the top 2 topics amongst men and we really don't need much chitty chat to make friends with other guys.

Now for us making friends with any femalien representative is, well, kind of a problem 'cause they're pretty strange and hard to discern... anyway, that's a talk for another day (same time, same day).

**Consider this an Intermission**

Anyway, I was the one not "opening" up within this wall I raised around me to protect myself from strangers that saw me "negatively" (negatively?? (I hear a bell ringing)). And this is really much alike The Wall from Pink Floyd (if you, my dear IR, don't know who Pink Floyd is, I don't know in what world you've been living in, really) and no, I'm not projecting myself.

I can testify on this day, the Fifteenth of May (very classy huh?) that I was reborn to a world I had been blocking myself out of reach. That's why children are mostly happy all of the time (but in reality not much of them are (sorry, just an urge to promote my anti-war movement (Bitch off! China (that actually was a little rude, sorry Dalai Lama)))) as they don't need to worry about anything, we worry as we grow up.

I was living a life of worries. There are duties, yes, but letting them run your life with stress? Hell no! Life's very short and I don't plan to worry it down the drain anymore. There's really no need to rush, is there?

Life isn't supposed to be that hard (at least mine isn't)...

May 11, 2008

SoÑaNDo eL FuTuRo

Es curioso como la vida te pone retos en el camino. Nunca son obstáculos, a menos que seas un pesimista y quieras que todo en la vida sea fácil. Esos obstáculos que mucha gente ve en su vida son retos, retos que te hacen luchar por sobrepasarlos y alcanzar los sueños que has tenido, cualquiera que sea.

Tengo un sueño, una idea de lo que me gustaría que fuera mi vida. Ese futuro consiste en muchos sueños, sueños que en común apuntan hacia una vida de felicidad y uno de ellos consiste en un 90% del inicio de la última etapa en mi vida. La verdad es que sin ese sueño, lo demás no valdría la pena. ¿Porqué? Por que el fin del fruto de mi trabajo es para compartirlo con alguien.

No voy a dejar de luchar por conseguir ese sueño tan importante. No es por egoísmo por que lo que quiero es hacer sonreír a esa persona especial en mi vida. Si sonríe es feliz y la verdad ese es el sueño que tengo: ver sonreír a la persona que amo el resto de mi vida.

Bueno, aún es un sueño...

pero estoy luchando...

estoy luchando

May 8, 2008

Feliz Cumpleaños MoLKo

La verdad estoy un poco triste porque el día de hoy cumple un año el Molkajete. Molko, o molkajete de cariño, es un boxer lindísimo que me recuerda al boxer de uno de mis mejores amigos de cuando viví en Chihuahua.

Hace como unos cuatro meses que no lo veo ni he sabido como está. Me pregunto si estará más grande, o si sigue siendo juguetón y bruscote bruscote. Es un perro muy inteligente, testarudo eso sí, pero muy inteligente. No lo llegué a conocer muy bien, las ultimas veces que lo vi había aprendido muchas cosas nuevas, como sentarse y a comportarse jaja...

Ojalá y alguna vez lo encuentre en el parque algún día que vaya, espero se acuerde de mi...

May 6, 2008

No ZuNe for You!

Ok, I was really excited when I found out that there was an update for my Zune and it's software. There is a number of updates and some of them were "demanded" by the fans for so long, they have listened. Probably one of them was the return of Auto-Playlists, but I will never know because with the update they introduced some kind of IP filtering. Apparently, they don't want non-americans to have this update and probably the reason is the introduction of a Video Marketplace along with 800 tv shows from NBC and some other networks.

It's a shame, really. I didn't want the shows, I just wanted Auto-Playlists and some other things like Add to now Playing... a default playlist that always played your favorited songs, what else? OH!... no, no, I think that's it.

Anyway, sucky sucky for Microsoft.

Boo Hoo for me....

-Edit- As of today [7.5.08], I managed to download the update through Windows Update. Actually there were so many thing they added that way improve the functionality of the player and it's software. Top 2: Autoplaylists and Gapless Play.

May 4, 2008

River and Tides

Most of the time I feel disappointed with humanity and its huge potential for destruction, but sometimes I see something that makes me see the biggest potential in us.

Combine nature's random beauty and add some human creativity. What's left is a marvelous Natural Ephemeral art. Enjoy...

Extraits I

Extraits II

Types of Civilizations

I have had plenty of conversations with friends about the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations. Sometimes one argument arises: If there are other civilizations and the evidence of unknown flying craft some people have managed to take pictures of, why haven't they come down and introduce themselves to us?

Well, at the end I posted a video with the explanation, but I'll write some of the things I believe. We are being watched, studied, because as we have attained high technological advances, we are IMO still too arrogant and maybe that these external civilizations are waiting for us achieve a Type 1 civilization. Anyway, watch the video and leave some comments if you want:


I have always believed (though I cannot prove it, yet =P ) we all life forms have an energy within us. After all, we are made up of energy. All the atoms and electrons within the chemicals and elements we're composed of are made up of atoms. What if the ancient arts of meditation in which some individuals have mastered, through meditation, confer a control over this energy?

This energy has been called in many ways but by far the most famous one is, as the Chinese call it, Qi. It's a kind of energy (I don't think it's electricity) that resides within us all and some people have found a way to channel it through them and unto something (or someone) else. Many acupuncturists, monks and so-called healers have said they work with Qi to align or equilibrate someone else's chakras.

Some readers might be skeptical about this topic, I myself have not as yet witness a display of this power but, if you would like to watch the following video I just happened to find a few moments earlier (4/Mar/08 14:07) you would give this topic a little attention. In this video an acupuncturist called Dynamo Jack (he was called like this because he didn't want his real name to be used in the video), an acupuncturist who can display incredible power through Qi, enjoy: