Feb 19, 2007

Dir en Grey - Inward Scream 07 @ Houston, TX

I must say the concert was worth every penny I spent on the trip to houston, the hotel and the rental car. This is my first international concert, (I assisted to the Cradle of Filth concert in Barcelona, but i was living there, so it doesn´t really count :P) and i must admit i was a little worried for different reason, the first one was money; the second, that the concert could be rescheduled or cancelled; third, that i should had picked up the tickets elsewhere. None of these were a problem at the end.

Anyway, I arrived and the second opening group was already playing, i don't know which one but they are really good. Then came DeG and everybody went insane!! They played some songs I'm sure are on the new album. A lot of the songs were from the previous albums and a few i didn't know but were "sung" by the audience.

They really rock on stage, Kyo cut himself onstage as i have read before and basically kept my head banging since song number one. They are not as big as they're in Japan so they played in a rather small club called Meridian. I really do hope they return and this time head to Mexico, I'm sure they have fans here beside me.

There was no photos/video allowed at the concert lest your cellphone/camera was to be snatched by a gargantuan african-american guy, so i didn't want to take any chances and didn't even tried to take out my cellphone.

The only kind of dissapointment i had was that they didn't play Child Prey (my personal favorite) but other than that, I can only say I would do it again!!

Since there is no video taken from me, i will leave one I found so you can have an idea of the concert. CHEERS!!! THANKS BABY FOR COMING WITH ME!!!

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