Mar 9, 2007

Before i post the Roger Waters review, here's this...

Been a while since I wrote anything here, but these past coulpe of weeks have been, how should I put it?, very interesting. First of all, I'm still working on the Roger Waters post-concert blog. I can't upload two (of four) videos I shot to Youtube, which is really frustrating. Second, i haven't had the time to write a full review of the concert: my time is not mine anymore. Third and most dissapointing, frustrating, angering (is this a word?), is the fact that ALL of the tickets for the Héroes del Silencio show in Mexico City are sold. No show for me, DAMN YOU STALIN!!!!

Now, if you have an extra ticket for the show (Oct 6,07) and a kind soul, will you sell it to me? I need two, one for my girl and one for me. I shall be forever in debt, but justice will be done to those whose kind hearts were.... DAMN YOU STALIN!!!!

Anyway, if you have any spare tickets that you would like to sell, drop me a comment, and i will answer like lightning coming through thick clouds.

I don´t want to leave this post imageless so here's my view (i moved more to the center afterwards) of the Roger Waters concert.

Bless you, Roger for the gift of your music to the world!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous16:22

    heroes estara en monterrey

    asi que no te preocupes


    israel castilla
