Feb 20, 2008

Red Luna

Tonight all of Mexico will enjoy a total Lunar Eclipse that will turn the Moon red. This is the first post of many that I will write in tribute to Luna, my Domina Oriens, every full moon.
"A lunar eclipse occurs at least two times a year, whenever some portion of the Earth's shadow falls upon the Moon. The Moon will always be full during a lunar eclipse; that is, from the perspective of the Sun, the Moon will be directly behind the Earth. However, since the orbital plane of the Moon is inclined by about 5° with respect to the orbital plane of the Earth (the ecliptic), most full moons occur when the Moon is either north or south of Earth's shadow. Thus in order to be eclipsed, the Moon must be near one of the two intersection points its orbit makes with the ecliptic, which are referred to as the Moon's ascending and descending nodes." -Source: Wikipedia
Anything regarding Luna, let it be news or information, will be written with the label Luna.



  1. Anonymous03:39


    .:. Domina Oriens .:.

    Domina Oriens
    in astris excelsa
    Regina Coeli
    Pacisque Mater
    transitus tuus in altis argenteus supra
    pectora nostra hoc in mundo aperit infra.
    Gratia imple nos tua silente.


    .:. Madonna Oriente .:.

    Madonna Oriente
    exalted in a sea of stars
    Queen of Heaven
    Mother of Peace
    your silver arc
    so high above
    opens all hearts
    in this land below.

    In silence fill us
    with your Grace.


  2. To Anonymous, a brother/sister under Luna, thank you!
