Apr 18, 2008


I just got in the mood for some self criticism in the self-awareness moment (or trip, if you may) and talk a little bit of what ->I<- have to say about what I believe the world consists of (as little as I may know, I get to have an opinion about it, don't I?)

First of all, power... I believe the worst thing humanity has done is giving power (political, religious, whatever) to people who have not been or put through a psychological test. To confirm that they can handle the power and have a strong personality so they won't fall for "personal gifts". Power can easily corrupt even the most moral person.

So this is why I can't believe in a "Church". I accept the fact that I believe in a higher power, a higher "consciousness" in lack of a better defining word, but I can't believe in a God manufactured by people in a hierarchical power system. If they are god's messengers, why is there corruptness within their system? Remember the pedophilia cases within the Catholic Church? Have you heard anything related to those cases? Exactly, the news channels didn't just forgot about them, huh? Somebody didn't like the idea of letting the "holy church" be desecrated like that.

I'm inclined into more spiritual religions. Those religions in which you can think for yourself, in which you first have to find the real person within you and detach from everything else. After this, you will accept others as brothers and untruthful actions will not be a shortcut to power, for unless you control yourself, you will not control power.

Tibet has an exiled government "ruled" by a religious leader. So he has power? Yes he does, but he has attained such a spiritual self-awareness that he is in control of himself, thus in control of power and using it for the good of the people below his power level. I believe in the way monks "look" for their leader more than how the Chinese or Americans, in fact the whole world, choose theirs.

Which makes me jump into the conclusion that the Republic of China is trying to soil the image of a religious/political figure that in my point of view cannot be called a “liar” and a “terrorist” who, according to them, is just trying to undermine China’s Olympic Games. He has called for pacifist demonstration of unconformity so the world realizes there is something very wrong going on in his country.

I don't know all the facts and I don't know the Dalai Lama personally, but I wanted to express myself in this fleeting self-awareness trip and let you know that the Dalai Lama rules and China kind of sucks on this part of themselves. I don't judge them, I know there must be nice Chinese, I just don't agree with the decisions taken by some people with power within their government:


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