Dec 23, 2006

UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied

These objects have always fascinated me, watching them and wondering who are piloting them, are they "manned" object or drones remote controlled from afar? I have been witness, along with my dad, to a situation that was truly weird. It was something i had not seen before, and i know there are a million things that i have never seen but these things, and the formation they were arranged in and the speed they were travelling in, was something i thought was out of this world. I cannot deny these were alien spacecraft as they could be secret human aircraft. I mean, who knows what the belic nations have between their hads, keeping them secret.

People wonder: "If they (more advanced alien civilizations) exist, how come they don't come and expose themselves to us?" Come on!! If you find a species that have developed a technology to kill other members of their race. A race who is extremely xenophobic, who have made clear that whatever comes in contact with us will be considered a threat?

To them we're no more than chimpanzees fighting with sticks and stones, will you give them the technology to make a gun? Of course not!! They may not be afraid of us, they surely pity us because we are a race who is digging thier own grave. They will not come, and surely will make no contact with us, until we have eliminated every thought of war, killing, greed and begin to help every other person out. Develop technology for peace instead of war.

They are studying us in our own habitat. It is general knowledge that to study an animal (yes people, we're animals, we're not vegetables, are we?) you must not alter their habitat and keep a distance so they can act natural. Of course there have been scientist that have fallen victim to lions, hippos, etc., so are they.

But enough of this, this is just my honest opinion, i just wanted to share with you some videos i found on youtube, i watched the first one and i found it interesting. Feel free to watch them. Enjoy.

Part 1.

Part 2.

1 comment:

  1. Muy bien, ya vi los videos y...hmmm... no son tan buenos como yo pensaba. Habra que buscar mejores y sustituirlos o crear otra entrada de plano.

