Jun 5, 2007

To All Guitar Hero Enthusiasts!!!

Heed this!! To all Guitar Hero enthusiasts, x360 and ps2 fanboys alike!! You think you really rock? You think of yourself as rockstars? Just because you play a guitar with six (yes, only five "fret" keys and the stroke), then yes, you ARE* a rockstar...

*This is, of course, sarcasm my dear fanboy...

Think again


  1. Just as a note, I'm not against people playing GH2, I actually play it myself and it's a damn fun game. What I'm actually bothered with is people's attitude like Freddie's (first video) as if he was accomplishing the ultimate test of whatever. And what's the point of ripping the keytar? Showmanship??

    I mean, look at Funtwo (search for his amazing videos at youtube) this guy rocks and his attitude is, well, you be the judge. IMO these guys, like funtwo, are the real guitar heroes along with the artist who created the songs we're playing to. Us? We're just pretending to be Guitar Heroes. Don't we?

  2. Anonymous02:04

    Well said.
