Aug 2, 2007


Yesterday morning, as I drove to work, I was listening to the radio, to Imagen 107.7 to be more precise and there was a guest (probably a psychiatrist) and the theme was the behavior of the young adults generation.

It was very interesting, because they were describing that a large amount (I don't know about the exact number and no, I don't believe everything I hear) of young adults, who now can make their own money, have a way of thinking of which I thought I was the only one like that; at the very least, my own circle of friends.

Apparently, plenty of young adults are considered to be kidults, composite for kid and adult, watch cartoons instead of news (specially in Monterrey, local news programs SUCK big time, it's just gossip, literally speaking), play videogames, etc. They are now a force to be considered by companies who sell gadgets, videogames, computers, etc.

Some terms I heard were:

We are basically adults who don't want to be/feel old, who want to keep the best of both worlds: Youth and Money.

Do I think I'm a kidult? Why don't you leave a comment and tell me if you are, apparently we are not a small group as I thought we were.

1 comment:

  1. Creo que está bien chido tu entry, pero también creo que nos toca madurar un poco más para enderezar este mundo que políticamente está patas pa' rriba. Sobretodo en América latina.

