Aug 24, 2007

Now 2 Years...

Today two years ago, a friend of mine left this world after spending almost 13 years with my family and me. I knew him since he was very small and lived with us until he decided it was best to part to a better place. I cried when I woke up and found out that something had changed forever, for it was a painful experience I actually was expecting but didn't want to face.

He was, still is to this day, the center of talks of every Sunday BBQ at my place. His doings, mischievousness and behavior are all that is left of him in my memory and my heart, along with some pictures I manage to collect through dusty computer files and folders. He was there every time I needed someone to listen but couldn't talk to anyone. He seemed to understand me every time, he seemed to know how to behave and react. He was, actually, a very intelligent friend.

So there you have it, just a fraction of what I miss of him. I could go on and on but this knot in my throat won't let me. Now Molko is with us, but Zafir will always have a special place in my heart and in each of my family's members.


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