Aug 21, 2007

Pointless Symmetry

Last night I was watching TV (nothing interesting was on, as usual) and it was too late to begin a 360 game so I kept rolling on the channels to see if I caught anything.

I did caught something alright and it was kind of bizarre, actually, very bizarre; to the point that I never thought I would see that kind of stuff on TV, but hey! Now I know anything can happen in E!

So the story (in what I could get from less than a minute of watching it, I couldn't change channel as I was frozen in horror, like a deer facing a truck at full speed at night) goes like this.

This guy, was unhappy with his asymmetry (apparently, he was not "hanging" well). I cannot tell you how "asymmetrical" this guy was, for I did not (thank god) watch it for more than a minute, but nevertheless the idea haunted me through the night: This guy had waited for "all his life" for this surgery and could not believe how happy he was now that he's symmetrical, and he cried during the whole interview as if it had affected his whole life and couldn't live any longer lest the surgery was done.

Man!! How can you be unhappy with that kind of stuff? What did he do after surgery? Brag about it to his friends??? Ugh!! Another thing, the surgery was televised, I quickly changed channel as to not be branded eternally with the image, for that I thank for the lightning-quick reflexes I've got.

This really was bizarre, I hope I won't see anything like this again, from now on E! is banned (specially that crap of Dr. 90210, but really, everything on E! is shallow bullcrap) from my TV.

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