Aug 3, 2007

Mountain Gorilla Hunters

Mountain gorilla hunters should have, if captured, their hands and feet chopped off with a blunt rusty machete, then left on the jungle floor so Mother Nature can exact revenge on her enemies. Not only the hunters should be eliminated, but the rich bastards who believe having a gorilla's hand/foot as an ashtray is elite. Are you serious? Why don't I chop off your first born's hand, stuff it and use it as an ashtray.

These pieces of crap are the ones that should be scrapped from the face of the planet, the hunter's too but they are only suppliers. If the demand stops, so will the supply.

I pray for a Third Impact that will clean the earth from the parasitic humanity, sure there's good in the world, but really, is it worth the destruction of entire ecosystems? Or the end of entire species? For the sake of progress? no.... sadly, but no... we are the ones that should be eliminated soon... I thought we could learn from our mistakes, but man proves everytime that we can trip on the very same rock multiple times. No learning. Proof? Bush was elected twice. I rest my case.

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